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Everything posted by PyROTech

  1. so many things i want to say. dont really know where to start. I wish officers showed such restraint in situations that are very minor that do not involve weapons. But this takes the cake, and btw it almost forces officers to act aggressively when conducting stops. Scares the shit out of me! no body will understand what goes through a persons mind each and every time your stop someone. My nightmare is losing control, a fight for your life, that loss of control makes you want to just give up, the final yell/plea when you have lost it and you realized your control is gone is the most frightening.
  2. even though i wanted to start an entire new thread for the joke, i thought if it was a repost i would be shot, so... A little boy and a little girl, both about six, are playing in the sandbox. Unexpectedly, the little boy farted, causing a little sand between his legs to shift. She notices, and squeals with laughter, "How'd you do that," she asks. "Easy," he exclaimed, "I just farted." "Can I try it," she asks? "Sure," he says, "anybody can do it." So she strains, and concentrates, and grunts. Suddenly, there's a terrible explosion, the sides of the sandbox fly off, all the sand flies out. The little boy rolls up the hill, he finds himself upside down against a tree. He groggily gets to his feet, runs over to where the little girl is out cold, flat on her back, spread eagle. He lifts up her dress, peeks underneath, and loudly exclaims, "Just what I thought, dual exhaust."
  3. ohhhh, that sucks big time... http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story...9-12377,00.html "Maid charged after adding menstrual blood to employer's food AN Indonesian maid has appeared in a Hong Kong court accused of adding menstrual blood to her employer's food in an effort to improve their stormy relationship. Indra Ningsih, aged 26, mixed the blood in a pot of vegetables in the belief that the recipe would help ease her difficult work environment, The Standard newspaper reported. In some southeast Asian cultures, menstrual blood is thought to have special powers, the paper added. The maid has been charged with one count of "administering poison or other destructive or noxious substances with intent to injure'' and has not yet entered a plea. The report cited a prosecution statement that said Ms Ningsih's ingredient had been discovered after her female employer, surnamed Mok, peered through the kitchen door and saw the helper acting suspiciously. She entered the kitchen and found the accused throwing something into the rubbish bin. When she checked the pot, she found a suspicious substance mixed with the vegetables and water, the English-language daily said. Ms Mok later discovered a used sanitary napkin in the bin and called the police. Ms Ningsih told police Ms Mok had been unhappy with her performance since she was hired last July."
  4. probably will end up costing more money in wasted bureaucratic bullshit and constant testing fuckups than it will save the tax payers.
  5. with all this talk of shit wheels, lets talk shit wheels that are strong and dont weight alot! ok before the first person posts the plastic things dont bother we have seen them.
  6. ummm i grow crap in my backyard? should that be regulated. forget what i just said since the only reason im posting anything in this thread is b/c i wanted to get chucks attention to the pm i sent and he hasnt replied. besides i have no idea what this thread is about.
  7. i was scanning different boards when i stumbled on this thread http://www.mbfanatics.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=7298 check out post #17
  8. im not pro gun yet i dont want the gov telling me what to do. I wouldnt use a gun in self defense but like the idea i could and like the idea i can own what i want on my own land!
  9. i must say i pretty much like every user on the site, im not to sure thats felt the other way around. Just sometimes I wish that i had a volvo to atleast add into some of the discussion. I havent really spent much time at all in the performance section and spend most of my time reading ot, rforum and fwd 99+ repairs. I still go to the volvo meets and really enjoy the cars in general. But i dont see the site going to shit, its a bit more social than before maybe, but we are still getting things done when it comes to modifying the cars and diy repairs.
  10. i love that video. Btw i have updated my extreme video thread in the rforum, new video added.
  11. http://www2.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/P...e=1&File=24 Basically means, all cars sold after 2010 must be electroniclly limited to 150km and it would be illegal to have a car that doesnt have a limiter on it. So its illegal for a tuner to sell/modify (jurisdiction permiting) any tune that takes off the limiter, or to import a vehicle (not specifically states but implied since you cant have one in the country without a speed limiter first) that doesnt have the limiter adjusted for 150kmh. And you can forget going over 150kmh at the track or at a drag strip. edited part: corrected some typos, and added the track comment, and added importation stuff
  12. what pisses me off i that i can ask 10 canadians on the street who the current US president is, who obama is, who mccain is, and now who that women from alaska is (name is usually a far stretch in the first couple weeks, but most will know anyways). And 9 out of 10 canadians can answer all those questions. I ask those same canadians who the current prime minster of this country is and ill prob get 5-7 out of 10, i ask them who is running against our prime minister (elections coming up soon also) and ill maybe get 3 out of 10. I wouldnt even be suprised if people didnt know who there own premier was ( a governor basically).
  13. http://www.drdesignz.com/images/omgwtf.jpg
  14. omg. go smoke your weed, we dont care anymore. at first i felt bad b/c everyone flipped out, but now this has turned into some debate that is like apples and oranges. Jerking off makes me feel better, but i dont do it in public, same goes for weed.
  15. wtf! ohh fucking 11 characters shit.
  16. if you could compile a list of members whos car fits model wise and paint wise. Then we could figure it out easier since there are some very helpful members but i dont remember everyones car.
  17. so tell us the chuck life story...
  18. is there a reward if i turn him in?
  19. While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President. The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, 'Obama is a 'post turtle'. Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what's a 'post turtle'? The old rancher says, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top ,feet a'flailing in the air, that's a 'post turtle'. 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there.'
  20. so what your saying is that... you clicked it 3 times so what your saying is that... you clicked it 4 times so what your saying is that... you clicked it 5 times! dont you get bored?
  21. your missing the point. You shouldnt care for any of that. You should just care about yerself. Someone being gay doesnt affect you, it doesnt mean the gays are coming to rob your house b/c there drug addicts for the dick. I could just as easily say i dont like alot of things members do on here. Should i tell anyone else on here what to do? (assuming it doesnt affect me), no. And im sure many of the people who dont like the gay CULTURE thing smoke weed. Who should we not allow, the gays or the pot smokers?
  22. it really just comes down to this... do you want someone to tell you what you can and cant do?
  23. so what your saying is that... you clicked it twice.
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