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Everything posted by PyROTech

  1. so what your saying is that... you clicked it.
  2. http://www.break.com/index/pillow-talkb.html
  3. there is alot of money to be made with gay porn.
  4. i obvioiusly missed something here.
  5. i think it should be legal. I dont really care if a politician gets hookers, keep it on the DL and try not to be married when ya do it.
  6. i dont really care what the reason is, but im pissed my us dollars are going down the toilet.
  7. how the fuck can you tell? Fine ill give it a 50/50 but still. Dead dog? all im saying is that i cant tell if its real.
  8. i dont think its real, but hey who knows. I dont support that but i can see that happening. Sorta like kids setting cats on fire or just plain drowning them with rocks.
  9. how about a bigger or more powerfull engine, 230ish is 98/99. With that long nose we could squeeze something in there. Benz got a 6.2l v8 in its almost smallest car but 3litres is a nighmare for volvo, wtf.
  10. if i was an american i would run myself b/c all of them i dont like. 10 more years and i plan to run for premier.
  11. i know already, mine has been pissing off hippies at there hemp sandal shop for months now.
  12. the laws in alaska make perfect sense. the school thing is fucked, for work you have to conceal any weapon, but by law it has to be open, thus you will violate school/work policy for having it open on your person, but if you conceal it then you are breaking the federal laws. This is for a job that allows you to carry any weapon while preforming your duties/part of your duty for work (ie. security, leo).
  13. gun control doesnt work were i live. Its a pia to legally buy for first timers (i found this out myself). I can get myself most common guns at cheaper prices than i can legally buy them. And its easier for me to get prohibited weapons than normal shit or restricted. And if you do own a gun, you cant legally register it even if you got your permits if you havent bought it legally in the first place. And wtf is with 10 rounds for a handgun.
  14. the fact of the matter is that tasers kill, a healthy human can handle a taser fine. But the majority of the time tasers are used on people who are criminals, and some of those people use drugs and it weakens them to the point were they cant take the taser. I dont mind the use of them, but i think its important to remember (in my eyes) you should only use a taser when you are willing to us your gun. Otherwise pepper spray and a baton are a much better option. The guys got a knife, then pepper spray him, if the guy is going insane then 5 officers at once tackle. Before chuck rips me apart im not saying an officer should put himself in harms way in order to maybe avoid the suspect person from being harmed, but in many cases tasers are used like pepper spray.
  15. how do you throttle it back? im in no way even a novice (im worse), but i thought it was a process of creating a new table? btw please remember im a moron in this department.
  16. more funny pics and videos, less sub 5 second 335s.
  17. wtf? the valve cover is the least of your concerns now.
  18. i didnt think that you didnt have to pay taxes b/c it wasnt reported before lol.
  19. cool if i setup in the delwarin area but i still have to pay taxes back in canada on what i made there so now im double taxed. Im just saying i hate taxes.
  20. yes well, how about i vote and a government is elected that doesnt tax me and i pay for my services as i need them. Btw i dont break the law and what was suggested would break the law for me assuming i spend the money. I have spent along time figuring out taxes and there a pain in the ass.
  21. i dont understand. you mean get a bank account and business licnense in the US opposed to canada? then i would have to pay the us governemnt.
  22. im not sure what is worse, the government coming after sellers for taxes or the chevy torrent. http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_15185.aspx
  23. PyROTech


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