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Everything posted by PyROTech

  1. PyROTech


    From the album: pff


    © Volvospeed © 1998-2007

  2. PyROTech


    From the album: pff


    © Volvospeed © 1998-2007

  3. PyROTech


    From the album: pff


    © Volvospeed © 1998-2007

  4. true, but i dont think credit (good or bad) can be directed towards the president. Its a major network with the president being the representative of all actions done by the government. Its also annoying to me that any negative image done by a person totally unrelated to bush (yer so called sided with conservatives) is considered to be part of the bush administration. example: mr fellow who is a conservative that runs some small little school program fucks up then we just assume bush is responsible.
  5. i dont think bush is doing a good job either, but it could be MUCH WORSE if certain other people were elected.
  6. just in, we got airplanes running speed checks on cars. Bastards!
  7. wtf? noisy air intakes? what the hell does a noisy air intake sound like when you arent ripping it down the street at wot?
  8. im sure it must serve some purpose, maybe legs crossed allows for you to rest elbows on the legs to steady the shot? anyone wanna chime in on what the position is for?
  9. good luck getting moving if you need to with your legs crossed. Wtf is the guy thinking?
  10. just to add there, my old sunfire build quality was the same as my popisicle barn house i made when in grade 5. I dont think its that gm and ford arent making good cars, we as the public dont trust you anymore, 10 years of my crappy cars is hard to overcome. Do you think if your wife cheated on you for 10 years you would think in the 11th that she is gonna be faithfull?
  11. Hitler figured a way to do it, so why cant Canada?
  12. these guys are morons. and man is it slow in this section! in fact the media is also retarded, take a look at this (want to make 50km/h over the limit automatically street racing). http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_12297.aspx then look at the points you get for racing vs speeding 50km over. http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/demerit.htm then you look at the amount they nail you for financially, 2000 to 10000 http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/DBLaws/Statute...h08_e.htm#BK243 opposed to regular fine/for 50 over court decides http://www.ontariocourts.on.ca/ontario_cou...hedule_43.htm#b basically, once again there is no real difference between the two, both carry same points and set by precedent they both carry the same fines. So its a political ploy and partially a side door into increasing the rate ($) for speeding so they can collect more revenue.
  13. more raffles for supporting members!
  14. how many different ips you got for my account?
  15. how is canada doing in relation to the rest of the world?
  16. i know http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?...t&p=148702
  17. my trips are 500km each way easy. With limited stop over and then im back on the road.
  18. was waiting for that question. By the time half the us vehicles are then i am fairly sure tech will have progressed sufficiently to over come this problem. For me the pure batt powered cars dont make sense, i guess for some uses the hybrid would be really good. But alot of my 50kkm a year is highway which doesnt make sense then for me, i get excellent fuel mileage already. Lower than manf specs as long as i use cruise control and keep the speed down im looking at a 6.8l/100km. In the city well, its pretty much double that if not more.
  19. almost all the free email companies offer atleast a gb of storage these days not to mention local providers do also. The attachment file size for sending and receiving are usually the limiting factor rather than the total space we get.
  20. PyROTech

    car security

    person on street, car enclosure
  21. PyROTech


    From the album: car security

    © Volvospeed © 1998-2007

  22. LOWER THE GAS TAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i dont actually see much of a parallel with supply and demand with oil. Its the fucking cart and price fixing. Im not stupid, i can see some weekends the gas is the same price across 500km of area, no change in price day or night between any stations.
  23. good, now they can start fresh and play around with rwd again.
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