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Everything posted by PyROTech

  1. so when do i get changed to admin status?
  2. yer all messed in the head, i accept cash,credit,cheque... I also accept mod responsiblities.
  3. i dont see a point in social assistance of any kind that doesn't in some forum benefit the rest of society. Was it not the idea that when putting someone on some assistance that they get back into the job pool and start to make back the money that was originally spent getting them back in, plus more? If that does indeed happen then i dont mind some sorta of helping out, but only if your going to be on track to undo what you have taken and then pay back atleast a fair amount to which society lost as a result of spending on the assistance of them (example: basically the cost of borrowing at the time over that period). Second, in my city some left wing commi (also there is this guy called the mayor, not related to my previous statement, hehehe) is raising taxes and its hurting everyone, not only indirectly but directly. From the 3.8 property tax hike, bastards. some quotes from various newspapers over the last couple days (btw this has been a long running thing since the mayor was voted in again) "Fees at city golf courses will go up by amounts ranging from 2.2% to 7%. The budget calls for rifle range fees to jump by 18%." wtf Its gonna kill business and industry in downtown Toronto with this. Not to mention an extreme road toll system that i plan to fight, i have already joined with other members of the community where i live to fight a new public transit route through my backyard (i mean literally my backyard). But if the toll idea starts i want to have removed our current mayor any any city councilor that votes in favor of this idea, if that doesnt succed then downtown is doomed. ok, the break down so far. Toronto star newspaper. " Proposed wallet bites by city hall Suggested taxes with estimated yearly revenue: (all taxes based on pre-GST values) Vehicle registration tax: $40 per vehicle: $43 million Land transfer tax: 0.5 per cent of sale price: $103 million Alcohol: 5 per cent tax at beer, wine and liquor stores: $44 million Alcohol: 5 per cent tax on drinks in bars and restaurants: $24 million Tobacco: 5 per cent tax: $25 million Movies: 5 per cent tax: $4 million Live sports events: 5 per cent tax: $7 million Live entertainment tax: 5 per cent tax; $6 million Parking: $100 annual fee per space for parking lot owners: $7 million Billboard tax: $2 million Road tolls or congestion tax: $75 million Total: $340 million "
  4. You just gonna give out peoples email addresses? Im not very sure, but I don’t remember Inlineturbo asking for his email (I believe he just said that he doesn’t have an email listed), and second I don’t remember Inlineturbo asking that the board should see his email. And 3rd I didn’t see HtownTurboBricks profile having his email address set for everyone to see. Now maybe a pm was sent to you asking for an email and im wrong about that, but I don’t feel its right to give out his information for the rest of the board to see. Or maybe you sent HtownTurboBrick a pm/email asking him if it was fine to tell everyone else his email? If someone posts a comment that I said sold them some parts and didn’t ship, are you gonna give out my email? Is my subscriber information, including how I paid for it, safe? My credit card gonna be posted, my name, address, social security number? Now you could have just listed a fake email and the above doesn’t apply but it does seem like you listed the real deal to me.
  5. still think we should expand and put a benz forum, it would grow and then break it off to its own site.
  6. PyROTech


  7. PyROTech


    From the album: 1


    © Volvospeed © 1998-2007

  8. PyROTech


    From the album: 1


    © Volvospeed © 1998-2007

  9. PyROTech


    From the album: 1


    © Volvospeed © 1998-2007

  10. PyROTech


    From the album: 1


    © Volvospeed © 1998-2007

  11. thinking about having Pyrotech (8 blocks, with a letter in each block) linking to a porn site, or maybe just a domain listing, to get more traffic.
  12. PyROTech

    pellet gun

    yes yes yes
  13. PyROTech


    From the album: pellet gun

    © Volvospeed © 1998-2007

  14. no, if someone wants to be poor and live near death, thats there choice, as long as it doesnt not impact directly or indirectly others then i have no problem with people doing what they want. Now finding out and/or quantifying the extent to which there choice of living as a homeless person has on society is a much more difficult question. The idea of handouts would make some feel that this choice is why they make it, but if someone whishes to live out in the woods starving everyday b/c of the lack of nutrition and i dont have to subsidize them, im cool.
  15. would you post a write up on mercedes repairs just for the hell of it? B/c i plan on doing the fog light lens removal come spring and from what i understand it requires the front bumper removal. Also this spring will be my spart plug replacement, from the other write ups i have seen mine will be alot better, as in actually for the c320 sedan opposed to the ml320 or the "sorta the same write up which isnt the same as the 01 sedan, trust me i have tried and its like looking at the wrong lego instructions". I also plan on repairing the gas tank lock b/c it doesnt work, but if that requires me to remove the rear exterior panel im not doing that one.
  16. what are you taking about? maybe i dont know of the strange laws down there but it sorta sounds to me like the word "GUILTY"? next time i murder someone maybe i wont serve jail time and just pay the civil suit and no one will find out.
  17. i believe complete an auction means that it must be sold.
  18. i can somewhat understand his point, not totally sure if he is making the same reference im is thinking of. Basically when i drive crap cars for a week at 120kmh feels like the car is about to fall apart and feels real loose and disconnected in the corners and i dont really go over the speed limit at all. But say when i drive a nice car the difference between 100 and 120 isnt noticable, sometimes i dont realize when i get off the highway im actually going faster than i think... going from 120-160kmh to a 40km zone i seem to think im doing 40-50kmh when really im doing low 60's. Personally i wouldnt really have a problem with getting nailed for speeding if it was just a ticket i was paying, but its the insurance thats the killer. Some states dont report out of state drivers to there insurance companies (least a number of years ago they didnt). This is why the tickets are a much higher amount of money in those states, were as where i live i can get nailed and automatically goto court and they will ask me if ill take a reduced amount of like 60 bucks. 60 bucks and i wouldnt goto court, but when it means i pay 2grand more a year for that fucking ticket im going to court. When i drive down to florida i carry about 500-600us cash incase of speeding ticket, b/c some places require you to goto the police station and pay on the spot for out of state drivers, and on a friday night at 11pm, i dont feel like waiting the weekend or trying to pull out a grand from an atm. edited part:changed the grand amount from 2000grand to 2grand, typo
  19. i dont recommend paying it, i recommend you fight it in court, you must have a good defense, and btw it will take you a couple of tickets before you get the hang of things in court, yer first time they will prob tear you apart. The calibration thing is hard, it requires alot of patience and as chuck said they group tickets together so the cop doesnt just come for one ticket at a time. You prob have a 20% chance he doesnt show and the laws may be tototally different from where i live so i dont know if the calibration thing will work, here the radar units arent recognized unless they can prove them to be working "thats the short version summed up, highway traffic act doesnt have mention of the unit, or atleast didnt used too), thus you sorta start off with a defense when using the calibration thing. Not to mention the cop is gonna obv say he did his morning tests on the unit, you can though argue (get the manufactures instructions, there gonna make it as difficult as possible to get productions in full also) on the basis he prob doesnt remember the steps required to do it. I have no idea about what you said with the insurance and not having it, you got a ticket for that? Your screwed on that front, here you can get away with the insurance ticket if you goto court and produce a document from your insurance company stating that on the date of the ticket you were infact insured. But i do agree with chuck that you should get a radar detector, especially if your 18... your alot more likely to speed and it will kill your insurance rates (if they report convictions to insurance companies there) alot more than a 40 year old with a good driving record. You may also have the option to try to talk it out before your case starts, do 20 hours community service and/or charitable donation to some city or state office) and some driver education course (pick some cheap ass driving school and take a class and get some cert) and show this and say "would you consider dropping the charges in light of the community service, donation, and driving school".
  20. If i can get off a murder rap i think then it would be.

  21. but if i post a pic of myself only wearing a vs hoddie is that considered "obscene"?
  22. everytime i see yer profile pic i see a truck with a cannon on the back.
  23. lol i dont actually know if thats the wiring or not but when your building a car that hasnt been built before you wont make a perfect system only to change and splice several times, like protype.
  24. Maybe its just me but it sounds like your soliciting an invitation for your opening, and im not interested. I don't swing that list. I don't agree with your idea. I'm starting to suspect you vote for the NDP.
  25. since the current mods think "Personal PMs and hand holding is a lot to expect from people who donate their time to a car site", maybe there is a need for more mods? hint hint :ph34r:
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