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Everything posted by PyROTech

  1. ya, if the green party ever gets into power they will be peddling little children smack b/c they got a headache. We dont need a society of drug addicts who sit around all day smoking marijuana and getting welfare cheques.
  2. VOTE GREEN? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I think layton is the smartest one of the leaders yet lacks some economic and politcal sense. Pauly has street smarts.
  3. ohhhh please!, Canada doesnt suck, name another country in the world where i can kill someone and still have a good chance of getting house arrest and no jail time? well maybe 5 months. Only place where life means the length of time between oil changes.
  4. ya, the kegger wasnt to piss off the cops either, see my point.
  5. i did alot worse things in highschool "i mean like seriously worse", and they never affected my post secondary education acceptance, it never even came up. First big mistake was getting the teacher to make the shirts, second was giving them the shirts you had on, 3rd was the fact you pooled all the money together and accepted the liabilty of having to deliver the shirts, you should have taken orders off school property "not mention this on school property/make any arrangements" and done shirt for cash at same time. these steps would have prevented any sort of trouble you would have had. Why expose yourself before hand to your plans up until the last second. perfect example is like a kegger in relation to this. you get someone who basically works for the cops to supply the beer, then you accept entrance fee 2 weeks in advance for the kegger and pay the guy who works for the cops the money, then you advertise all around town that your having the kegger so the cops know ahead of time whats going on so they can bust all over your little parade.
  6. my thought too. he was refering to land size, im not sure if were second though, but then again its been awhile since school.
  7. whos the "insert a very bad word" that voted ndp in this poll!
  8. Basically the background is that the other 2 parties brought down the minority government. Liberals now have to call election. So these are the main players, i left out the marijuana guys b/c there a joke and those other guys who dont know what there doing and dont matter anyways.
  9. but without bush we would have no direction.
  10. do you use cpanel for basic admin functions for the site?
  11. id love to just drive around town for a bit in one of those. i bet you every honda with a wing would be game. might have some problems with emissions lol
  12. this hurricane has no impact on gas prices! is not supply and demand. Its what the market will bare and excuses people make. Remember supply and demand works in an economy where there isnt a control, thus the OPEC is a cartel and prices are set and not based on supply and demand "by the companies". If you want to argue with me thats fine, ill just keep bring it back and beat you either way. Price fixing is illegal but extremly hard to prove and especially when no one wants to prove it.
  13. when its 30 below, do you want to hold a freezing gun that was in your car?
  14. Ok, this is a double thread. First is that Canada has tried with all resources available to aid the hurricane victims with our outdated sea kind helicopters “the crash a lot” but still with some good stuff, special aircraft, water rescue “in fact we offered to send down some rescue teams before the Americans would send support (remember the news says this so it doesn’t mean that the US gov didn’t send support before media saw this) . But on the second part, what do you think on the news that the US government messed up with the whole thing?
  15. how long does 1000 impressions take to show on avg?
  16. actually i use what the duck, seriously, wtd, lol lol i dont even think these rules even apply to me. yes maybe im guilty sometimes, but ohhh well. I dont even care if there are rules or not, i dont own the site. I only ask that "as mentioned above" you dont delete the post but just edit the post and put at the bottom why the post was edited and where. But i would love to suggest the replacements for the word filter, can i be in charge of that?
  17. that was really good, i love the bird idea.
  18. sounds like phsyc or politics 100 to 200 in unversity., lol i didnt say we had a bigger army, so read my comments first. and i never complained this and that about our military. And what pity?, read a line of mine that reflects self pity! Nothing is as good as it gets, there is always room for imporvement. I aint no hippy on the side lines that thinks we all should get high, so dont make canadians out to be some hippie pot smoking bumbs "even though there are alot of em". Also my point was we were putting in a high percentage of forces to afgh than the us is. And we are also commiting ourselves and not to just judge canada for not joining in iraq.
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