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Everything posted by TM850R

  1. But when was that article written by him. I'm not saying he isnt qualified to make a call like that because he was an officer in the military. I am saying that he recently (August of 2006) said that civil war is not closer to becoming a reality in Iraq. Thats the second link there. I dont have time to read through that link right now, but I will get to it later.
  2. Ralph Peters (b. 1952) is a retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel, novelist and essayist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Peters I know Wikipedia is not the best source but I will hunt some more down. Heres one where Peters says "civil war is closer than before". http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadA...le.asp?ID=23653 I dont want to shoot down that mans view (or your view) but there is a bias there from an ex-military officer.
  3. Well starfish, he has a point. I grew up a Roman Catholic without any guidance in politics. My family raised me to believe that I would make my own decisions whether or not they are right or wrong. I grew out of that phase of believing in mulit-millennium old folklore. Plus, religion should have nothing to do with how we view politics. If you are truly by the books, you would know about separation of church and state. Anyways, back to Iraq. How is that study going USMC850T?
  4. drunk after finals? who does that. i giess i can still type something
  5. Those sources would most likely get me kicked out of my school.
  6. All you are doing is bashing a political view. You arent giving out any facts on the subject.
  7. This is true. But it doesnt mean anyone under those ages isnt educated on certain subjects. That also works both ways, as age doesnt always mean you become more educated.
  8. Since where are there 1.8 billion muslims that are radical. This is actually comical. The radical population in the ARAB countries (there is a difference between an Arab and a Muslim) is actually not as big as people believe it is. Most of these radical groups are just small factions that do all the dirty work. I dont care how many Jewish people came to the Middle East during the 1940's through the 1970's. They came and took over houses belonging to Palestinians and took their land. Do you want someone from a different country coming to your house and taking it from you and then living in it? I think not. I dont know what kind of smart ass remark that is about my logic but it seems to be a little more logical than what you are trying to say.
  9. Dont give crap if you dont share your extensive knowledge on the subject.
  10. Well I got two exams coming up so that should help me study at least.
  11. Simply put and true. We cant leave. We need at least 10 years to establish a stable government and be sure they can control the country. Saddam was actually pretty good at controlling his own country and kept the "terrorists" out. He himself did this through brutal dictation but its better than communism, right? Anyways, I dont like the war as much as the next person and I think its sad that our men have to die over there. Chuck does have a point though, these men and women chose to join the military and knew that they would have to fight for their country if need be. I dont really understand why people make a huge fuss over some soldiers dieing. Thats what happens in war. Be happy we arent like Iran and send human wave attacks into Iraq and kill (a combined total between the two countries) over 1 million men. Obviously Iraq doesnt have a military anymore and the only thing that is stopping peace are extremist groups that dont like the US in the country. Hell, I wouldnt want another country in my town either, but they think we are evil, thats just the what they were taught. If you got screwed by us a couple times, you would think the same thing too. Anyways, we need to stay there for the long run. We are committed now and if we leave this one unfinished, we are going to have to become fully isolated because other countries will not take us seriously anymore.
  12. Well what do you know about the Arab-Israeli conflict as of right now? I just had to write an essay about the US and Middle East relations dating back to 1945 so I know SOME things but not all. I cant say I got an A on that final either. Basically everything we fight for in the Middle East today is because we supported Israel and the UK during the middle of the century. Israel was not welcome in the Arab community and we supported their return so the Arab nations in turn didnt like us very much.
  13. I think we can deal with that. Just keep us crash free big man. We love you for it :tup:
  14. Its more challenging on a laptop
  15. Someone beat my asteroids score so I have a reason to play it more.
  16. meh...term papers > 30 year old arcade games at least tonight. its also almost 5 am too...paper due in less than 12 hours now.
  17. TM850R

    My 854R

    Let the pictures do the talking
  18. TM850R

    Jewels and Grill

    From the album: My 854R

    Thought I might as well throw this in here. A decent shot of the grill and jewels. The car was just cleaned but I got lazy and didnt scrub the wheels down.
  19. TM850R

    ready for takeoff

    From the album: My 854R

    Love this shot. Came out just the way I wanted it to. Now if I only had a nice set of rims...
  20. TM850R

    After a few mods

    From the album: My 854R

    You can see the 3 gauges in the A pillar. Only have two gauges in there but its a step forward. At this point I had the gauges, silicone vac lines, Jewel headlights, debadged, VMS endlinks, and a couple other little things done.
  21. TM850R

    Daytona Speedway

    From the album: My 854R

    First time detailing the car. Went out to the Speedway the next day and took a lot of pictures. This was one of my favorite.
  22. TM850R

    Dealer Image

    From the album: My 854R

    This is the first I saw of my car. Got this from the off Autotrader before I bought the car in August '05.
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