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Everything posted by TM850R

  1. TM850R

    Project Pras

    So which one is it? Mark, arent those called guide sleeves? I think Greg got this one right.
  2. TM850R

    Project Pras

    He has a point there.
  3. TM850R

    Project Pras

    Looks great Pras! Hopefully you can enjoy the engine while you are in Texas.
  4. Time to get some new pictures. Then photoshop on some wheels.
  5. TM850R

    Project Pras

    Hopefully everything turns out for you Pras. Someone had luck with Blackjack before and had only good words about them. Its crazy that there are so many options out there for people to choose from and so many of them are complete let downs in terms of quality. Good luck with everything. I wont ask for pictures since everyone else did...
  6. Is there really a need for more than about 5 lines?
  7. Click "My Controls" on the top menu bar. Then on the left hand side there is a link for "Edit Signature".
  8. Photoshop is your friend.
  9. Wow RI, you suck. Looks like some interest needs to be sparked up here. We are slacking compared to the rest of the NE.
  10. As long as I can search for it using google, its cool. I dont see a need for people to resurrect 4 year old threads.
  11. Its sad to see it go but they will bring it back eventually.
  12. This could get really complicated but it does stop people from pestering the admins about it.
  13. Ouch is damn right. Have fun with the rebuild. At least you have the knowledge and tools to do so.
  14. I do, in a completely heterosexual kind of way.
  15. Time to keep my suggestions to myself it seems.
  16. /QUE echo sound effects Sounds like the mods will decide what is quality and what is not so great. We all know what quality posts look like and we should all have a great idea of what crappy posts look like. There may be a bit of bias in there but if the mods dont like you, its probably because you make bad posts. Thats just how I see it, maybe its not this way.
  17. My only suggestion is for someone to update the FAQ's and Cosmetic Reference pages. Some of the links and threads are non-existant now. It would be nice to have those either cleaned up or redone. I know its a lot of work and thats why I am hesitant to say anything about it. It would look good to new members that are told to read through the FAQ or Resource pages, to have everything updated and clean. Just a suggestion. I dont want to come off as busting anyones balls here.
  18. I think everything is going well right now. I say keep up the good work Chuck! If this forum wasnt good, I wouldnt be on it 24/7.
  19. Sounds good to me. I know I wont win anything but thats ok. Someone will and they better be grateful for it.
  20. Spring break is fun as shit. Yes Im on a damn car forum during spring break.
  21. It would be a big mistake for us to invade Iran. Plain and simple. They arent going to use their nukes unless they are given a damn good reason, like the US invading.
  22. I usually dont look down at the speedo but I have a good idea of how fast I am going at all times. The way I have my steering wheel tilted, I cant see all of the speedo but thats why GPS helps.
  23. Or just write you a warning Just pay the ticket. Now you will be more aware of the speed you drive when it hits your bank account and then your insurance goes up for the next 3 years.
  24. Man you are lucky Chuck...regular here is 2.25. Damn Volusia Co. taxes. I pay 2.45 for high grade. Its still a lot better than the 3.50 I was paying over the summer so Im not complaining.
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