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Everything posted by TheMan5952

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/07/13/mideast/index.html Hezbollah rockets strike Israeli port Thursday, July 13, 2006; Posted: 1:27 p.m. EDT (17:27 GMT) JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Two rockets struck the northern Israeli port of Haifa Thursday as the crisis over the abduction of two Israeli soldiers deepened. The missiles were fired from inside Lebanon, the Israel Defense Forces said, in a sharp escalation of attacks launched by Hezbollah guerrillas. The attack on the city of 280,000 was the first time Hezbollah rockets have hit so deeply into Israeli territory. Ambulance services said no one was hurt in the attack, which had been threatened by Hezbollah. The firing came hours after Israeli warplanes bombed Beirut's international airport and its navy began a blockade of Lebanon's ports. Hundreds of targets from the border north to the capital were attacked, the Israel Defense Forces said. Hezbollah guerrillas earlier fired scores of rockets from Lebanon into northern Israel in the most intense bombardment in years. Some 45 people and two soldiers have been killed inside Lebanon since Wednesday, the country's health ministry said, while the rocket attacks killed at least one woman in Israel. Lebanon also said 103 people were hurt by the Israeli attacks, The Associated Press reported, while the IDF said 90 people had been injured by the rockets hitting Israel. One rocket attack on the northern Israeli town of Nahariya on Thursday hit a group of journalists, the AP said. Both Israel and Lebanon have said the violence amounts to "acts of war." Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Wednesday's attacks by Hezbollah when guerrillas killed eight Israeli soldiers and captured two more were an "act of war." Lebanese Interior Minister Ahmed Fatfat called Israel's retaliatory attack on Beirut airport a "general act of war," saying the strikes had nothing to do with Hezbollah but were instead an attack against the country's "economic interests," especially its tourism industry. Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport was forced to close after Israeli fighter jets hit all three of its runways, leaving huge craters that made them unusable. All flights have been diverted. (Airport map) Two other Lebanese airports were attacked Thursday morning, the IDF said. The Israeli military gave no details, but Lebanese army sources said that the Rayak Air Base in the Bekaa Valley near the Syrian border had been hit as well as a small military airport in Qulayaat in northern Lebanon. Israel said it targeted the international airport in the capital's suburbs because it was a transfer point for weapons and supplies to Hezbollah, the militant group that captured two Israeli soldiers and killed eight others in raids this week. Israeli warships were stationed off all of Lebanon's ports to enforce the naval blockade, Reuters news agency reported. Lebanese Information Minister Ghazi Aridi called for a comprehensive cease-fire, saying the Lebanese government had nothing to do with the Hezbollah attacks. After Israel's airport strike, planes began dropping leaflets warning residents of an impending attack on an area of southern Beirut where Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is believed to live. (Watch initial reports on the runway bombings -- 6:00) Israel: 'We mean business' Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday he fears a "regional war is mounting" with Israel's military campaigns in Lebanon and Gaza, where forces were deployed after last month's capture of an Israeli soldier. "This is not our interest and will not bring peace and stability to the region," Abbas said, referring to "this [israeli] aggression." President Bush said all countries had a right to defend themselves but warned Israel to take care not to "weaken" Lebanon's government. Bush also stressed during a visit to Germany that Syria "needs to be held to account." Hezbollah enjoys substantial backing from Syria and Iran and is considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel. The group holds posts in Lebanon's government. Israeli Security Cabinet Minister Isaac Herzog said: "We are taking strong measures so that it will be clear to the Lebanese people and government ... that we mean business." The United Nations will send a team to the Middle East to urge both sides to use restraint, a spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Thursday. Captives named Israeli airstrikes were aimed at targets used by Hezbollah for storing weapons, the IDF said. Warplanes also hit al-Manar television station because Hezbollah uses it to incite and recruit activists, the IDF said. A broadcast tower was destroyed and three people injured, but the station was able to continue broadcasting, al-Manar editor Ibrahim Moussawi said. Israel's Cabinet authorized a "severe and harsh" response to the abduction of the two soldiers, named Thursday as Ehud Goldvasser, 31, from Nahariya, and Eldad Regev, 26, from the Haifa suburb of Kiryat Motzkin. Hezbollah called for a prisoner exchange but, as in Gaza, Israel has rejected the call. Hezbollah chief Nasrallah told reporters that seizing the soldiers was "our natural, only and logical right" to win freedom for Hezbollah prisoners held by Israel. Nasrallah said the two soldiers had been taken to a place "far, far away" and that an Israeli military campaign would not win their release. More than 70 Katyusha rockets have hit Israel in the past 24 hours, the IDF said. Missiles critically injured one person and hurt at least 10 others in Safed, about 13 miles (20 kilometers) from the Lebanese border, which local officials said not been hit by Hezbollah rockets since 1972. (Watch the rocket's explosion and town chaos -- 1:45) Also in northern Israel, a woman was killed and 15 people hurt in a rocket attack in Nahariya, and at least 38 people were injured when rockets hit the Arab village of Carmiel, Israeli ambulance services said.
  2. yea, I cut mine out so there is no nlockage in fron of the tube.
  3. have any that fix me not being able to veiw alot of pictures on here?
  4. Came across this, any views? http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/8385889/detail.html
  5. I'm not really drunk....Dark beer with a layer of Jack on top doesn't sit right.
  6. Build a wall all the way across, Setup a guest worker program to allow people to get citizenship withing 3 years, if no green card then, you get the boot. And of course, EDITED SO YOU DON"T SOUND STUPID.
  7. US Federal Gov't Standard Operating Procedure is to stay back until the state gov't requests help from the federal gov't. The shitty govenor and mayor did this to themselves.
  8. a good book about what is put in textbooks and taught in public school systems is The Language Police by Diane Ratvich
  9. I'm bored, just got back from the club, didn't pull any stank. Mofo's need to get on AIM so I can be less bored.
  10. well, marines maybe like that. But not in the Air Force.
  11. I pay my respect everyday to my flag, as well as the flag of a foreign ally. If you don't feel the need to respect your own country then so be it. That is why people like me and many others do what we do day in and day out. In order to give you the freedom of choice to love or hate your country. I would like to think that people would have enough respect to atleast stand and not speak during the playing of the national anthem, or when a flag is marched down the street during a parade. This is not something I like seeing during a parade.
  12. Wrong buddy. Whenever formally reporting to a senior officer you render a salute and a proper reporting statement. And yes, the AF does salute indoors during a formal ceremony where hats are worn.
  13. Just so you know I salute to the sound of the Brittish National Anthem when it plays every day at 1700 over my base. it plays right before the American National Anthem. I don't have to, but I do it out of respect to your country.
  14. it got jacked with the spaces in there, just copy and past it in your browser
  15. I am gearing to leave for that area of the world in about a month. Granted I'll be in Qatar which is distanced from Iraq, I still know plenty of marine/army folks who come there for R&R. Honestly, I don't think we will ever leave that area, probaly for the same reasons we never left Germany/Japan after WWII and Korea after teh Korean war. But here's a good vid one of my Marine friends made during his deployment to Iraq. http://hondavision.com/~public/let slip the dogs of war/Division OIF 11-2 Video.wmv
  16. Whatever you see fit to be beneficial to the site. I personally don't find it nececsary but it's your site, run it the way you wish.
  17. I am comp[letly obliterated right now. It's not even funny. It's only 4 pm. ugh... i think i am goin go pass out for a few, see u guys later.
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