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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. There is no problem, only a challenge lol Tom showed me this, can't reist reposting
  2. I can name about 5 of us who would be considered full blown lol, no homo
  3. Pfft details. You know you weren't ginna get them, they're too hot for you lol
  4. Pay for them, and they might be held for you lolol
  5. To complicate things, here ya go. $500 for the set BBS propus
  6. It wasn't directed really at anybody lolol. I haven't seen pics, but going off his track record this is gonna be fun to watch
  7. Facebook detective Faulty's putting audi 19's on a car???
  8. Ugh one more reason to hate Justin Bieber, he compares himself to Floyd Mayweather. When searching for his twitter account I actually searched for Kevin bieber lolol
  9. Tay stop smoking pot and pay attention lol
  10. Danny=the jermaine Dupri of VS I heard the ice in his teeth keeps the crystal cold
  11. Meh he's ballin out of control, he shouldn't need charity lolol
  12. Yo bobby fisher? WTF happened with words with friends? Your killin me smalls
  13. Do I get one for my radio code write up a couple months ago?? Lolololol Right thread this time FTW
  14. Do I get one for my radio code write up a couple months ago?? Lolololol Crap I just posted this in the wrong thread Can I -1 myself? Lol
  15. difference between all of them, the kardashians are loaded and not bad to look at. the tramps from jersey shore are horrible and i wouldnt touch them with your penis Kev
  16. Who cares lolol, best part of watching them in the bushes, you can't hear any of them talk lolol
  17. Hiding in the bushes outside of Kim kardashians house
  18. I appreciated it lolol Normally yeah, but it's a Wednesday, at least I think it is lol
  19. I changed sex? Must have been a deep sleep lol
  20. Maybe I'll confuse some of the members who are continually -1'ing me after the whole Andrew thing. I just can't change my avatar on my iPad or my sig White people problems bro
  21. F that nonsense HAPPY BDAY TO RYE BTW!!!
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