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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. I'm just gonna start -1ing if you don't stop being stupid lol
  2. Don't do to to your poor car lol *dont do this
  3. This is why Kevin got suspended guys, so don't post until you have all the fact of what is happening, or you might as well say goodbye for awhile. Contact chuck if you have an issue with him directly or ask me if you want
  4. Lolololol, I'll leave it at that If the person that emailed Volvo came out and said "Hey, this Andrew guys an idiot, I'm getting in contact with his boss", that would have been end if story, the guy would have been a dick, but it would have been over.This did not happen, at all. In fact the person was such a big POS that they filled out an anonymous email which they pretended to be chuck. Alden I really don't give a rats a$$ about your position on whether it's right or wrong for somebody to call his boss anymore, you wouldn't convince me otherwise. I think your wrong, you think I'm wrong, do lets leave it at that Kev I think he got banned for other this related to this shittshow
  5. Omg I can't wait until this douche is named, just shows you you can't always be hidden on the Internet
  6. Me, I'm fine chuck. I'm still not understanding on why your pissed at Andrew? Why would he not think its you? It was an email with a @volvospeed.com address, if you are pissed you should be pissed at one of your mods who is impersonating you, who I'm assuming is the only way you can create volvospeed mail accounts. You can be pissed at him all you want, it's not justified though
  7. because we we standing up for a loacl friend? yeah cause standing by the side and watching unjust things happen to people is the right way to go
  8. Alden the issue isnt that the act or person was retarded, its the fact that somebody went all johny law on the situation. Its not their responsibilty or call to handle the situation, whatever you believe. if it was just another VS member taht would have been one thing to react about, but when its a Mod/admin, that is another there was no reason on why not to believe what was said. emails were sent by reputable people stating at the time the "facts". As stated earlier i was going to email chuck to get his whole side of the story before fully leaving, but this took on a mind of its own already
  9. agreed, but for people to drop chucks name and make him out to look like an a$$hole is not right, plus he had no idea WTF is going on, of course chuck is probably use to it now lol
  10. i guess the same can be said for me. im not really sure where all the facts got twisted, or if somebody had an agenda otherwise. All i know is Andrew still thought he had a chance of being canned today late last night. WTF!!!
  11. I was actually gonna email you when I got home So all of the stuff that i have heard from Andrew and another member has been false? I don't know what to believe anymore HTF did you get dragged into this chuck if you really didn't have intention to call his bosses? Now I'm pissed off because I dunno who to believe
  12. Here is my 2 cents of why im leaving for awhile Mike, if you actually care lol. Let me first start off by saying that Andrew is a good friend, so yeah, I might be biased, but I will also be the first to tell Andrew if he does something stupid, which he occasionally does, so you can take this with a grain of salt or whatever. Here is my issue with this situation. As some/most of us know Andrew has been on here for many years and has had his “Issues” with posting questionable youtube videos on and off again. Now I understand the issue/responsibility/liability that VS has with allowing or condoning “street racing”, and I AGREE that it shouldn’t be tolerated, and members should be disciplined. Now with that being said, disciplining a member should be one of the following: suspension of membership, banned for a certain amount of time if he/she is a multiple time offender, or Perma banning the member for good. I also wouldn’t have an issue with a Moderator/Admin getting in contact with the police if they thought that lives were at risk. However, without following any of these step (he’s not banned because he’s still posting), it was thought to be necessary to call/email/whatever Andrews place of work to bring to their attention of these actions. If somebody thought that he was breaking laws or being a danger to society, then fine, contact the authorities, but to potentially get a member fired from his job, I think is complete I'm dumbt. This to me was the exact opposite of handling a situation like an adult. If you want proof of how fuking hard it is to try to find a job right now in this economy, than you can just ask me, I don’t wish this on anybody. We have had members do much worst in the past and get away with it or end up just getting suspended, so I don’t know why this situation should be any different. Sorry if some of this doesn’t make sense, im on my ipad
  13. After fulling finding out the situation I will also be throwing in the VS towel until further notice Peace out VS
  14. Kev getting on chat drunk really means Kev gets on chat pretends he's drunk Has a mini gay pride parade with himself talking about didlos and anal sex Goes to bed Wakes up Denies everything Repeat process for the night
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