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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. I'm guessing he looks like wilford brimley. I got random Volvo related mail tody from him, have no idea how he has my address, it was a bunch of stuff for autolit.com
  2. Does any abode know who Walter Miller is from NY?
  3. Feel in tip top condition after breakfast and a G&T, good to go
  4. Internets slow as hell right now for some reason, to lazy to get out of bed to reset wifi
  5. Heartbreak yet again, I blame it all on nick holt, yet again!! Teeth Price jersey is in order however
  6. Not gonna jinx it......not gonna jinx it......please!!
  7. In case some of you haven't seen these......hotness http://www.nikeblog.com/2011/12/27/first-look-oregon-ducks-rose-bowl-uniforms/
  8. I'm not gay you fruit, I'm just tired of being witty
  9. Wait the motor isn't built? I thought it was and just needed a bigger turbo lololol
  10. I'll gold foil a whole bike so Danny and Bert can suck it
  11. It wasn't that big of a deal, Lol, Bert was just being Bert, he was just defensive when the td04 comments started coming out lololol, like why such a tiny turbo with gold foil? Lol Don't feel bad, I made fun of his car in front of him, don't worry rye lol
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