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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. Cranking the yacht rock playlist, smokin some cigars in shorts George benson is a pimp btw Late merry Xmas all I forgot to send emails to
  2. Exactly, past tense Kalvin what did you paint it with? Looks good
  3. Picture two book ends with a dildo in between them And if you don't know what a book end is, you need to read more lololol
  4. After how many months? And just because you and Reid bookended a dildo doesn't make it justifiable that you brought it out
  5. They guy that had a black dildo in his possession and didn't throw it away can't make gay jokes
  6. Lololololololol I would have never got tat one The slanted driveway Is reason alone to not work on a car in that driveway, Jesus
  7. Dear Kevin, I hate you, I hope you get crabs, die in hell Sincerely, your bud, Spence
  8. Hahahahaha, should I pm your BFF Ashley? Hahaha
  9. Kev tends to overly b1tch about everything, And when you do that, people don't know when your are being serious or not to how drastict the situation is. this is why I offered to talk to him, if he needs help, I'll be there.
  10. Dude way too deep for VS, if you really need to talk pm me and I'd be glad to talk, but Jesus keep the overall mood of this thread happy Back on track
  11. Yeah been there before, but that doesn't make th holiday stupid. You just have to find a way to get through it
  12. "everytime Katherine revved up the microwave, I'd piss my pants and forget who I was for a half-hour or so."
  13. Your an idiot who looks at it wrong then lol. Somebody needs to go watch charlie brown lol. If its all about buying gifts or jesus's day, then yeah it sucks. If its about family, showing loved ones appreciation for what They have done for you in the last year, or jut being able to do something for not yourself is why Christmas is great More reasons Christmas Doesn't suck Hot toddys Peppermint Buttered rums Christmas themed lounges Christmas trees To me Christmas is the only holiday that doesn't suck donkey balls
  14. And the pants come off, I dunno what happens
  15. Yeah cause I took the Christmas party super serious! I so wanted to make a great impression on the two lovely owners of that company. There was no way I was going to put one of my girl friends through sitting around with a bunch of co-workers that alone freak me out Last beer I had was with Danny a couple months ago :(
  16. You bet your fawking arse you are lololol. Plus the rate your going if you marry a girl, she'll go crazy, light your house on fire, and you'll both end up in a mental institution lol Anybody big gin and tonic drinkers?
  17. Lololololololol But your gay, so it's always controversial
  18. How did this get here, we were making fun of Austin hahaha
  19. You say that cause it worked out for you, which I'm glad it did, but doesn't for most. That's because kids such as Adams or Brians have great parents, if the kids are sh1theads, it's usually the parents
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