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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. If you get married can you have the wedding in the summer cause I'll be up there for one anyway haha
  2. Wtf would tell you that? Your friends are dicks if thy are Saying that! Out of my close group of friends from high school 7 guys, I'm the only one not married, so I'm not gonna say its for old people, but don't get hitched (especially when your in school) just for convenience Buy a fifth of Johnny walker, buy a fleshlight, lock the doors, turn off your phone, and it's game on!
  3. She's either a mule or your hiding something! Lololololololol Does she have a penis?
  4. Yikes Austin, yikes lol Pics or your banned
  5. Your doomed If she's crazy (like most of them) jokingly isn't always a joke after awhile hahahahaha
  6. And since nobody is dating her or related to her we will be honest lololol
  7. I can picture it now. "Who's this drunk Michael buble' lookin homo?"
  8. And you say your "worried" about me? Haha. Just go get bookended and get over it
  9. Wait are you talking about Julie or the guy in the picture? Hahahahahaha
  10. That pretty much sums up most California drivers haha
  11. I wouldn't let Julie know she's a newscaster lololol
  12. Yeah if it was any other week I'd head down, crappy
  13. I wish NW people would stop being such F-ing tards and rooting for this complete waste of space http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-16229389 What's the difference between rooting for a dipsh1t that doesn't wear shoes, as oppose to a black kid stealing a car? People thought it was "Cute", it blows my mind
  14. Yeah it's actually the guy that posted in that thread, oblivion or whatever his nme is, I guess it started off red and was repainted. I don't get why people spend thousands of dollars to repaint to a factory color you could get in the states I often sit back and reminisce about our pre-8:00 meetings, knowing that I'll never have a job that sucked so much yet miss incredibly much. I swear there could have been many movies started by the ingenious brainstorming that went on in the mornings there hahahahaha So who in your massive family is throwing a Xmas party? Oh and Danny where's the Volvo party at, same place?
  15. I drove through there a couple weeks ago but I haven't been back up there, San Jose sucks!! There is a guy that lives near me I guess who has a faux yellow wagon on 19 inch pegs and coilovers could have been him up there. I've been driving the storm trooper around lately
  16. I can't even see the pics on my iPad cause no flash, so I don't even know what made it haha I can see you f-Ed up quarter panel in your rolling shot, so there hahahahahahaha ?????
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