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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. Jesus now I'm gonna get kicked off a plane for trying to keep up with this haha
  2. Your usernames get gayer every time you post them hahahahahaha how do you remember them all?
  3. You know a good place to buy used fuchs black center caps?
  4. <iframe src=" width="600" height="338" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe> Damn embedded video
  5. How has that kid not had a diabetes scare yet? Hahaha, maybe he'll take over for Wilfred brimley when he dies
  6. Hahaha, I hate the wheels, but that color is hotness!! By the way, living in LA I'm never going to impress anybody with a car, you think your cool and Lambo or a Porsche with $100k in it pulls up next to you humbling you quickly haha
  7. Wish I had moneyz http://www.stanceworks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19687
  8. Hahahahaha I just fell out of my chair laughing so much, I think I need more sleep
  9. Is that Lund real? It sounds like a pole whacker
  10. It's slow for me as well but the most irritating thing is how people have massive sigs that you have to scroll through, that alone keeps me away from that site. It does have a better layout than SS though
  11. More of, food coma FTL Tell her you'll always fix it hahaha
  12. Chuck Dooooooooo it!! Haha http://www.stanceworks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24210
  13. no i think he was too comfortable haha. i forgot to ask is dana coming down with you to your parents? or does she have to work? tell her i said hi, hope you guys are doing well.
  14. I think because they know how close I am to my pets
  15. Crappy, I knew he was an idiot, I didn't know he was screwing people over
  16. Wut was the whole sh*t show with coral_t5m?? I've seen a couple of his threads revived but I not remember what happened o him
  17. Hahahahaha, you should sell him a marsupial skidplate
  18. any house/dance/techno fans that has spotify post up your email, we are trying to compose a playlist NO DUBSTEP......................Andrew!!!!
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