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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. How the F do people roll on stock suspension? You could hove a ham in that wheel well
  2. I'll tie you a hint there is a M and a K in the model name hahaha
  3. Noooooooo Maybe It won't be for awhile though, like a long while haha
  4. I honestly don't think you would have got one if you didn't say anything, but now that everybody knows you don't want one, your probably gonna get one haha besides I'm not gonna tell you what the next car I've decided I'm gonna buy is, you'll laugh at me for making fun of the stance scene so much haha
  5. Yeah there are, there are a couple of people that signed up for that list that I would have cried if I would have got! .??? I have no idea how much they cost....do you rye?? Hahaha Mad stance gets you all da biatches and hoes son!! You wanna get that whip mad tight son, you gotta be dropped to da floor, straight p*ssy poppin style, wheels poked out of the fenders bordering on driving like a Mexican, gotta get some of those dice style valve stem caps (mad sh*t tight yo), oh and camber son, you gotta get that sh*t looking like your driving a hovercraft around, paint your rims some ugly gay a$$ color cause if people didn't see your low car before they are going to now with your hot pink/lime green/smurf fukk color Part 2 of how to get da hoes coming soon
  6. judging by the fact that he was writing for one show, and now he is writing for like four, something had to go wrong. the episode like two weeks ago about domestic violence made me loose all respect for the show, wasnt funny at all and the whole episode was dark as sh*t on another note, did you ever post pics up again of how your trip cpu looks with the leds?
  7. just watched the family guy from last night, wow that is one of the worst TV shows ive seen in a long time, WTF happened?
  8. I'd buy him a sybian, just for the fact that i know he would break down and use it just to see what it feels like hahahahahahahaha how many people just googled sybian?? hahahahaha
  9. Secret Santa, I lucked out and didn't get Ashley or Kevin Hahahahahahaha
  10. Awwww, somebody is butt hurt, on two different levels now we leave grant out of this for many reasons haha You going home for Xmas btw?
  11. I see right through your lies, unless your high on shrooms and seeing rainbows all the time
  12. I should have made fun of Austin more but I like him too much haha Hey Adam you should google our weather down here for the next five days hahaha sorry :(
  13. when will you ever learn.....facepalm It's the NW, like 80% of tbricks is from Portland haha
  14. You went a little TMI their man haha. But you were living together and you were banging her, recipe for disaster for keeping it "just as friends"
  15. That's why you should never live with a girl until your dating, it's always a sh*t show Hopefully she didn't go full crazy where she stole a bunch of crap, slashed your tires, and pissed all over you carpets
  16. Awe man, like either of us didn't see that one coming hshaha. We saw her for like 15 minutes and that was enough for me, stop dating freaks Austin haha...did you ship her back to Cali? What's her #? Hahahahahahaha Rye check out above and beyonds new anjunabeats 9 cd, not a bad house/electronic cd
  17. You got ripped off paying that much son. besides you should upgrade to that wildabeast syrup your moms been crankin out for years! Hey that crazy girl that showed up in the middle of the night at your house, is she living with you? Btw that such a gross word, syrup.....ssssssyrup, yuck
  18. That some of that moose tit syrup? That must be one gourmet shizz, son!
  19. God I didn't eat anything all day and I'm still full, you're crazy haha
  20. Andrew stop drinking four-loko I think it's F-ing with your brain haha Adam I'll root for the packers if you root for the 9'ers, course it doesn't look like the packers need any help haha
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