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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. I can see this going nowhere but bad so.......Chuck the coupe get all fixed up?
  2. Somebody doesn't take criticism very well? I'm not attacking you or hating on you, I asked you to back up what you said, and you didn't. And when you throw out term like "He'll destroy you" it's game on as far as I'm concerned to call you out on all things that we see fault in This thread was created (by me mind you) as a chat thread for all us NW peeps, it's made as a thread for discussion about anything, so if it's talking about how a sports guy is starting to get posed off, then we shall talk about that sports guy starting to get pissed off
  3. Stats are important for backing up statements like you have made in this thread, if you can't back them up with your "Understanding/interpretation" of said stats then why would your point/argument/prediction mean 2 Sh*ts to anybody listening to you? And don't pull out the Respect card like your some big deal, that's bush league
  4. You do realize in the two pages of you "Dropping" sports knowledge on us all you have had no stats to back anything up, just opinions and predictions of mediocre teams making the superbowl in 5years And the best, the BEST sportscasters out there are the best because they are not arrogant and cocky in their delivery, take a hint from them
  5. It's just sad that there are soooooooo many of these idiots out there
  6. I'm sharing this from my FB page cause this pissed me off so much I read this response to an article that I saw talking about making same sex marriages legal in WA state. "Marriage is the union of a man and a woman that is blessed by God. All the laws in the world can't change that. Maybe this is a good example. If you own a puppy but want people to call it a kitten you can go so far as to make it a law that everyone call your puppy a kitten. Of course you know it's really a puppy, everyone else knows it's a puppy. Most people follow the law but snicker to themselves when they call it a kitten." This is why I could never do debate class or be a politition, I'd just shoot somebody
  7. Being arrogant and cocky will only get you so far in life ;)
  8. I read this first and didn't even read anymore of the rest of your post. Calm down Jim Rome, you won't "destroy" us just cause you have a radio show, your just another dude who likes sports that's all it's is
  9. That's a good thing, I wish I got tanked really fast
  10. I'll be there and at Davis as well, would love to see ya Why can't yang walk? Did I miss something?
  11. I already miss your attitude dearly hahaha and I was laughing more at the fact you got called a bro. Pick a team in the last ten years that has won due to youth. Not the steelers, not the colts, not the pats, maybe the giants and saints borderline on youth but not really. Not the packers either cause most of their core team is old as hell
  12. I'm running Quinn before tebow after next weeks loss. Orton won't start again cause everybody in Denver hates him They should play them at the same time, dueling qb's, that would really throw off a defense for a week I will continue to hate tebow unless he successfully runs a statue of liberty play, maybe then I'll turn around, doubtful though
  13. Brady Quinn must just be f-ing irate! How bad is he playing during the practice week to not get a shot?
  14. Keep telling yourself that. And I'm predicting that the bronco's are gonna be running the all new/awe-inspiring quadruple option offense, tebow will go 3-12, theyll run for 400 yrds a game, and they'll win the division
  15. Maybe the next handshake they have in the center of the field maybe somebody will get shanked to solve it all haha
  16. Hahahaha Chuck it's not that hard Great running game and a good defense isn't a fluke, I never thought I'd see the 9'ers having a winning season again since I was a kid, sooooo happy. It makes up for the huskies blowing goats
  17. I've got an old Ricky watters signed ball Yeah that just happened Adam hahaha
  18. Rocco looks like he just did something reall bad haha like taking your car apart haha
  19. This makes absolutely no sense to me, you can't bring a Volvo but you van buy and bring a VW?
  20. Ouch, sorry to hear, you gonna be ok with the new house and everything?
  21. I didn't say it was a great song, I just can't get it out of my head Now I'm gonna take a nap, btw I thought I made more sense than I should have at 2:00, so shove it
  22. This batender is a DJ, soooooooo many new dance sings to hit up. Btw saw the peepshow, with holly Madison hahahahahaha, I'll try to get all us SEMA guys next year tix, it's numerous, the only guy looks exactly like Carson!
  23. Btw I can't get this song out of my f-ing head http://soundcloud.com/jayvelar/cobra-starship-make-me-feel
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