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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. That's all he does all day long son, fab fab fab fab fab fab fab!!!
  2. It's unlike anything I've ever seen, yesterday we got a briefing of what happens on if you transport paparazzi into the community. I swear right before I leave I'll pack a bunch of them in the wagon and let them have a field day haha
  3. Wow this threads blowin up son Adam (Steve) wheels= hot Matt car= sex Jackson accident=balls Kevin you=super gay I think that wraps it all up..... Who wants to come visit?? Got the invite to Ozzie Osborne's pool tomorrow. It's for sake if anybody wants to be a neighbor!! Btw new tele # is 1-818-963-8554 if you need to get a hold of me, no cell service at the house (some things never change haga)
  4. That pic with the two old guys is priceless!!
  5. I dunno apparently I have a stigma that people think I party for three people, not sure how they get that haha Adam :wub:
  6. just tell your parents your gay, and everything will work out OK
  7. go talk to matt about stance, or wheels, or something hahahahaha
  8. it sounds like you are starting to be all lonely living out in the boonies hahaha
  9. I support the event of the very left wing and very right wing going to a huge field (say south Dakota) and just duking it out for like a week straight. No news coverage, nobody even talks about it after it's done, we will just take away that hopefully natural selection killed of some people
  10. I was just called "fruity" while standing in line at walmart cause of the clothes I'm wearing. I hate kitsap county, it's either hippies or rednecks all day long
  11. I'd drive to the doctors office mid errection, pull down my pants in the waiting area and yell "My d*ck hurts, and somebody needs to fix it"
  12. I'm pretty sure my border collies would just have heart attacks if I gave it to them. Either that or they would start herding my cats around the house haha
  13. Ya jerk, hahaha My dog did a backflip today, now I'm gonna spend the next 16 hours to try to get her to do another one, does redbull work on dogs?
  14. No be more worried about pry bars hitting you in the face!! Ask me how I know haha
  15. That thing is scary as sh*t, unless you want your wheels to look like a Michael j. Fox edition I wouldn't use that machine
  16. Look at the wires behind the glovebox, I think the connector wire us purple if I remember correctly, see if it's unplugged or the wiring is bad, trying clearing it again it might not come back, worst case you buy a airbag from a junked car, even though some would say that's sketchy!
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