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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. My name is Spencer...and I approve this message
  2. Apparently I'm shattering people's dreams
  3. This was in my inbox today on VS "Sent Today, 03:42 PM Im sorry you are upset with my recent posts, but if it makes you that upset then dont comment on them or even look at them. Im new to modding cars and volvos and im srry if im not doing it your way. Im getting as much research and info as i can and people who doubt me and put me down like you only make it worse.I would appreciate it if theres something that im doing that bothers you please ignore it, im learning my stuff okay have a nice day" Thoughts hahahaha
  4. After four months of my dad and I renovating my grandparents rental house, we are done, so now we are finally moving to Cali
  5. Hahahaha Agreed! Hey question for all. Other than craigslist does anybody know of where I can sell lawn/garden equipment locally? Need to get rid of a rototiller and tree shredder/wood chipper before I leave
  6. Is a bird in the hand worth two in the bush??
  7. I just had a gin and tonic, don't judge me, I had to get the taste o f shame out of my mouth haha Sorry to hear matt, nothin makes me feel worst than having stuff stolen, I hope you get them back
  8. Is bergan still Rollin that car at the track? I thought he pulled the motor after ipd cause of the bent frame
  9. Did he say anything specific? Danny doesn't listen to kisw, unless a lots changed since I last saw him, and I don't think Andrew does either And who's being gay now Kevin???? As soon as I typed this your texting me, see your a whore!
  10. I figured you were driving! Haha I'll hit you up tomorrow ya hooker
  11. Dude you and Reid are still trying different holes to stick it in together, plus you have grants screen name, so your in no position How's the drive?
  12. Hahaha No, I just heard every joke in the book from D-bag friends haha
  13. My bad got them mixed up But no, yellow is still yellow. Doesn't matter how many gay guys you can fit in the car, the fact is you might still have gay guys in your car Hahahahaha
  14. Hey man, you own a yellow wagon too, so your in the questionable club by association as well hahahahaha
  15. I just wanna say I love Robbie (in the most non gay way possible) From a dude who I have actually never met, he has gone above and beyond to hook a brother up, stand up dude for sure! Btw if your not on the NWC contact list, your missing on a huge opportunity!!! I just said something about man love, dammit, now I'm gonna go watch UFC, drink a 12 pack, smoke a cigar, and punch something. All while wearing a wife beater and some wrangler jeans hahahahahaha
  16. dont you guys have ricers in MA?? are the just running 8 resonaters on their fart cans? hahhahaha
  17. Why the hell do you post things penis related?
  18. Hahahahahaha I thought you were buying a BMW?
  19. Countdown to the Cali move!!!

  20. Countdown to the Cali move!!!

  21. That's were all of my families cars have been done. The BBQ place next door isn't bad either, their beef jerky mmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Then transfer again? That sucks man, course you might not even own Volvo by then, and then, your dead to m hahahahaha
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