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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. Did that amazing 5 series wagon that you guys posted up awhile back sell? That thing was awesome!!!
  2. Possible RN motor in the yellow? Yes please!!!

  3. Possible RN motor in the yellow? Yes please!!!

  4. BREAKING NEWS: Washington State University football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. The coach immediately suspended practice while police were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, experts determined that the white substance unknown to players was the GOAL LINE. Practice was resumed after it was decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again. GO HUSKIES!!!

  5. BREAKING NEWS: Washington State University football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. The coach immediately suspended practice while police were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, experts determined that the white substance unknown to players was the GOAL LINE. Practice was resumed after it was decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again. GO HUSKIES!!!

  6. BREAKING NEWS: Washington State University football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. The coach immediately suspended practice while police were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, experts determined that the white substance unknown to players was the GOAL LINE. Practice was resumed after it was decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again. Jackson, wheels look muuuuuch better
  7. Fukcing most ridiculous convo of the day "I don't believe in western medicine, it doesn't work, I wish more people woul convert to a more holistic approach" "your grandparents and mom would be dead without western medicine, and go tell that to an African kid" "just because it worked/cured them doesn't mean that there wasn't an alternative way of treating them" "like what, shaking a stick over their head, throwing deer piss on their face, and hoping they pull through?" "you clearly just don't understand" "and your clearly fukcing retarded, If you ever get really sick I won't drive you to the doctor I'll just pee on you, throw some homeopathic tree bark on you, and some bat sh*t, and call it good" Can you tell which one was me? Hahahahaha, and can you guess who the other idiot is?
  8. You have to call first to see if your vin falls into the recall, with an 02 you should be within the range but who knows. And yeah recalls are always free
  9. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/ctd/2542071459.html Interesting way to sell a car hahahaha
  10. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/ctd/2542071459.html Hahahaha, wow
  11. I could care less that I spelled his name wrong hahaha. Mobile qb yes, a guy that makes very bad decisions when out of the pocket, no. At least we aren't as screwed as the dolphins. Portis did look great though The good/bad thing in whichever way you look at it Jackson both kolb and Jackson have almost identical career numbers, around 3000 passing yards, 20tds, and about the same amount of picks. I wouldn't head a franchise with either one of them
  12. I know I'm not paid the big bucks for a reason, but tevaris? I don't see it at all, unless somebodies got some trick up their sleeve, it's gonna be a long season. We need to sign TO or Moss hahaha, or hell sign them both and sign on of new England's 4 baller quarterbacks, then we shall ask Vince young about the dream team haha
  13. The ME-412 is still The coolest concept car that was never produced, that thing was soooo hot!
  14. I'll pass hahaha Anybody ever see wheeler dealers on TV? I can't believe how shifty those guys are haha Btw dodge's suck unless it's a classic haha
  15. Cause its ran by a server that's held together by duct tape I just watch a formula D event on direct tv, I don't get it, it's like touge but nowhere as cool. Plus tanner foust is a D-bag
  16. We have been customers for almost going on 20 years now, he use to detail my dads car outside of the chart house parking lot in California in the late 80's. Just cause I can't get a hook up doesn't mean I'm not gonna use a good product, IMO
  17. Me too, detailing the XC Ok seriously, even if you don't buy a lot of griots detailing stuff, buy the leather cleaner and conditioner, makes it look great, but the smell, almost has that new car smell, yummmmm Now I'm gonna go H.A.M allover the rest of this car
  18. You should move east of the mountains then, haha I was hoping that you would respond to that hahahahahahaha
  19. Hahaha. Where to? Tacomas not that bad, down by the water and where the glass museum is now they have really cleaned up. There are for sure worst areas around Seattle to be
  20. people on this side of the water ask way too much for older volvos
  21. ive seen that car around, gets my attention everytime i see it haha
  22. am i the only one who has been some issues getting into chat and being randomly kicked out sometimes? (not by a mod btw)
  23. dude that sucks, sorry to hear!! at least you were able to get off the highway safe! you should join the club of people not carying spares in the back of their cars, i havent had an issue since i took it out, knock on wood hahahaha
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