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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. must have missed that one! did it get moved?
  2. Btw anybody up here have some 850 headlight lenses? Let me know
  3. Figured you would still have it, I'm sure it needs some heavy updating, mostly deleting people haha
  4. We need a plus ten button, I think I judged pissed myself hahaha Sidebar. To all the nwc OG's, you think we should set up that spreadsheet again of all usernames/real names/email/#'s? I thought it was awesome back in the day
  5. that pic makes me sick every time i see it haha
  6. I am all for dumping a car, getting wide wheels, getting stretched tires, it looks hot! however, stance on a volvo (850 and newer) will never look as good as stance on a BMW, Audi, VW, or many other cars for that argument unless you do some serious modding to fenders which i really havent seen done tastefully yet. i refuse to post this insane ideology outside of this topic cause i will probably get kicked off of VS in general, but its simply annoying that all showroom posts are about stance and not more about stuff that is actually cool, like Georges thread. AND ANOTHER POINT, cause im not over this....to all of the jacka**'s that say "your point doesn't matter cause you have pegs on your car, and everybody has peg". I have pegs on my car cause i like the look of them. there are very few volvo wheels that, one, look good and two, fit over my brakes. Sure could i have some american racing wheels on my car, or the hideous team dynamic wheels that were on there before, just to look, different? Hell no. Does this look good HELL NO!!!!!
  7. Holy Jesus!! way to go on that one, such a boring drive otherwise maybe a guy that cant open/close his rear door correctly? hahhahahahahaha
  8. If I read another thread on VS about "Stance", I might just shoot somebody! I find it amazing that a guy who doesn't even own a Volvo anymore can be perceived as a "stance god" by a bunch of spaz Volvo owners. Hell I can go throw on batshit ugly wheels tomorrow and get some "stance" does that mean it's gonna look good? No /rant
  9. i could see if the car ran ok, but making payments on a broken car, yeah he is retarted
  10. Danny and Brian, youll get a kick out of this http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/2368496037.html
  11. that plane braking was pretty impressive especially with no material left on the brakes hey guys quick question. are ABM headlights and jewel headlights on a P80 car the same replacement lenses? or are they different?
  12. I swear to god if you do what I'm doing for ipd I'm gonna kill you!!!!
  13. Single malt does cure all! Lol Of course so does everclear!
  14. Stay in a hotel! Haha. That might however be not so "Fatherly" haha
  15. HOLY RAT BALLS!! that seams expensive!!! I keep popping fog light fuses, bet this one is gonna be fun to track down!
  16. Long story. I'm just giving him sh*t lol
  17. BIN LADEN DEAD!!!!!!! hopefully all of our friends and family can start heading back, doubtful but gotta be hopeful!
  18. I laughed at this for like ten minutes, thanks rye!!! Now we are even from the man bag comments from the other day! Tell Julie she still has hers coming as well haha Isn't the dude that called me a pedophile the one that always has stuffed animals hanging from his tow hook covers? Pot calling kettle what? Haha So against all others I grabbed lunch today with her, just turned 19 last week, full ride to Stanford, drives a range rover, few of the more important details haha. Trying to bring up somebodies age is the most awkward conversation I've ever had /conversation of Spence's dating quest lol
  19. M- I'm 24 And thanks for he advice chuck, haha. Of course, I have still not found any girl who has come drama free haha. And Jesus when you say that you have an 18 year old daughter, man I feel like a creeper, haha
  20. How'd that work out for ya? Haha Went to the gym today, got some digits, girl just graduating high school, failstatus!!! My question is what do you guys think is an expectable age gap from an 18 year old? And no I'm not trying to justify this..... Ok maybe I am, hahahahahahahaha. At least I won't be going to a prom :lol: (it's funny for the two people who get that joke)
  21. other quick question, was thinking about picking up e-codes again, kind of done with the one piece headlights. i cant remember, are the sockets different? ill PM john tomorrow to make sure, but i cant recall. E-codes
  22. jesus, interested in seeing this one im sitting in a bar in bellingham, i cant hear anybody talk, so im on VS, lame sauce. I hate loud bad rock music!!!!
  23. for some reason that doesnt sound as fun/or as easy as your letting on
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