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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. this is why i dont work at a dealership anymore, and im not joking
  2. NBA jam for iPad is the shizzzzzzz!!!!! No Sonics though, made me cry a little. New tires on the car I think lifted it an inch and a half or so, so much failness!!,!!!
  3. Jesus VS members in the NW are dropping like flies haha. of course after driving my grandparents toyota for three weeks, it is nice to be in a brand new, quite, no rattling dash car, haha
  4. Oh my god, Evergreen Hippies are the worst!!! like half of my high school went to Evergreen, haha no they jumped into their baller LS hybrid. thats what i find amazing
  5. I just tell people that it's broken haha booo dog, warranty FTW!!! At least you could stroll back into brains house and have a beer til the truck showed up [oops sorry for the replay of the pic
  6. at the field today playing lacrosse, after heading back to my car two guys who looked like they just came from a hippie jam band concert came up to me, this is what they said. "sweet volvo man" dude 1 said "thanks man" i replied "Is it a diesel, man?" dude 1 said "no, not so much" i said while laughing i started the car to let it warm up and dude 2 looks at me and says "Maaaaan, how many MPG's do you get, It cant be good" i stared at him dumbfounded and said i didnt care dude 2 stares at the exhaust and says (No Sh*t, not making this up) "Do you know your hurting the environment by not driving an eco friendly car, people should be more aware of their actions, you are just adding to the problem, not trying to help it" I told him i didnt care and that i was voting for Donald Trump the next election if he runs, they scoffed at me and got into their brand new f*cking lexus hybrid!!! hahahahahaha, hippies are annoying enough, but wannabe hippies, i hate them so much more
  7. hahahaha sir!!! its getting re-painted when i get back, jerkface i agree about the burgers being better than dicks but not the fries (and for the record i dont like dicks, unless its past 1:00 AM). sorry their fries suck donkey balls. and carls jr kicks both of their butts anyways Now, i went to Gotts in Napa, best burger i have ever eaten period! and Honey-Bucket is planning the after event party?? LOLOLOL
  8. greg is that for real? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. it really would suprise me either way, haha
  9. hahaha. i had to take flexorol or how ever you spell it, last year after my car accident. i couldnt move off of the couch for almost two days, my body felt like jello.
  10. just saw that there is one in the F/S section for $150 semi new. i think thats as low as your gonna get
  11. I officially do not understand In-and-Out burger joints. its like a clean dicks, the fries suck BTW
  12. my god that took me like five minutes to figure out what you were trying to say. hahahaha
  13. honestly when people sell them they ask so close to the asking price of what you can buy them new. they are like 175 new IIRC
  14. i thought you were bitching about teh price of corndogs, hahahahahaha. i would have been all over that shizz
  15. if you get one with the walkie talkie feature, ill personally come to where you live and headbutt you,haha
  16. "lets play a little game called just the tip" LOLOLOL
  17. tell brian he is failing as a member. we need his seafare shenanigans up in the shizz
  18. would somebody please get Brad mother f-cking westin on VS already!!!
  19. sir!!!! how dare you, you kiss your mother with that mouth? you scallywag
  20. this made me LOL for awhile, dont know why haha turbobricks would be your best bet, dont think i have seen any FWD guys put those wheels on their cars, maybe im wrong. my grandpa thinks i have a drinking problem after staying with him for a week, LOL. oh well, one week down another week and a half to go haha
  21. Congrats on both events haha, now go lay some pipes or whatever angle your trying with ms. babcock haha
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