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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. I hate rooting for sports teams in the NW!!!!
  2. Adam no worries. It happens, it's all good man. Congrats on the anniversary!!! As for meeting up can't be this coming week, I'll be down in Cali, I'll hit you up when I'm coming back so we can get it done Hey Brian you get your brother booked at Volvo? Hahahahahaha Oh and btw HUSKIES!!!!!!! Round one dunnnnn
  3. Jesus christ dude, send me a pic of your car and ill make a Sig pic for you, its time for you to upgrade son, haha
  4. NIT stands for what? Not inda Tournament?? Lolololol Btw chuck sign up for the bracket my man
  5. i think they are fine until the see Ohio. playing through the PAC-10 tourney without Venoy with ease was a pretty good sign. I just think as soon as they see a team with a dominant big man they are screwed, cause the MR. 7 foot tall, half retarded, lanky Senegal bastard that we have ain't gonna do squat if they get into foul trouble. Of course rooting for a Seattle team will disappoint i'm sure as always. hell ive gotten to the point that i would root for the cougs if the got deep in the tourney. NCAA predictions: BYU is sexually frustrated so they will be upset early so they can get home to get layed in the offseason Gonzaga will have a small lead over their opponent with 30 seconds left in which they blow it and the whole team falls to the ground crying morrison style Cougs will......oh wait, never mind...i guess they will have all the time in the world to sit around and smoke pot, haha
  6. UW is one of the leaders in the world of CF development. I know that they have done some work with major super car companies and NASA. The fact that they are fixing cars is kind of odd though. It's ok though if your chevy has frame damage send it to WSU, they will know what to do with it lolololol Lolololol I don't mind the cougs as much as I hate Gonzaga!!! Stupid school, completely overrated every year, and Adam Morrison is the biggest mangina to set foot on th court!!!!
  7. You can hate as much as you want just hopefully they won't coug it Lolololol. Plus one of the best games of the weekend for sure
  8. You wear them out of the house I'm gonna trouser snake slap you in the face
  9. i would be happier if Rosanne choked on a D and died personally
  10. haha, yeah dude was like 6 foot 2 and could easily end me if i made fun of him, so i held my comments to myself haha
  11. do you work there Andrew? Hotness Tim. I sat next to a guy on the airplane wearing them and it took every ounce of me not to just start ripping on him. And he wasn't wearing the toned down mens ones. He was wearing the huge dumb ones
  12. I guess that's what guys who own S/V70's should say when their air pumps go ars up. "Oh yeah it just sounds like barber whine, it's good" lolololol
  13. http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?5182562-FS-WTT-airbagged-1973-Volvo-142-COUPE-with-2.3L-turbo WTF
  14. haha poor bastard. we have to meet up this weekend, i think im back down in Cali sometime next week, grandma has yet to send me flight conformation
  15. God dammit, is that really what the email was for???? Sweet that sh*t that got sent to everybody that i have sent a resume to as well what he said! you back to normal life now?
  16. Some Volvo live is starting on vortex. Hopefully more to come
  17. was just reading that trying to get some pics hahaha. dude better watch his back, most of the mods or event coordinators will toss you over to the cops if your being an out right d-bag, dont blame them as well sick about the basket, be sure to put a keg up there just for the hell of it haha
  18. you should put a rocket box on that shizz
  19. HAHA, yeah officer was really cool, i told him he had his work cut out for him, but it shouldn't be too hard since VW's are slow, haha he got a good laugh out of that. apparently they were searching very hard to find a guy in a yellow MK3 that almost caused a head-on with a state patrol officer
  20. i want a VW sooo bad after today. I just dont want to hang out with of those guys hahahahaha. so many idiots, got stopped by an officer and asked if i knew who people that were driving like D-bags were, all is said was I Plead the PS i dont know what the F just happened suppose to be
  21. were danny and andrew trying to race you or something? haha
  22. Atmosphere is great, you like brother Ali? i cant get enough of Curren$y though, guy sounds like he is completely stoned in every song he has, lol
  23. oh dont get me wrong i love to make home-brew, but i think most of us VS'ers are borderline alcoholics haha. Hahahahaha, no mike not same guy, now im just confusing the hell out of you hahaha
  24. you wil ldrink anything as long as it can be in sippy cup form, lets cut out half of the process and just do meets at breweries, haha
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