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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. my bad, i knew it was a day that started with s, make it the 8th....sunday :D
  2. its yellow, its awesome no matter what in my bag
  3. so to you that have either read the yellow everywhere thread, or come across it, geoff and i were trying to get a bunch of yellows together for a photo shoot, and it sounded like more than just yellows wanted to show up, and a couplle of people asked to come. so we are just saying that i guess we could call this another NWC meet, or whatever, but whoever wants to come can come. it will be on 10/7 (its a sunday), at a place that we have not yet thought of, so carson, geoff, jake, and i should will for shure be there, and just shoot as us if you wanna come. if you have a good place to meet, give us a holler (i hope the shoot is better than the last in the parking lot a JC pennies) spence
  4. was he talking to you or me? if he was talking to me, ill go, take him right now, downtown baby Look dude if you do not want to be apart of this forum, then why are you a supporting member ps. why havnt i became a supporting member yet, half of my life now is on VS
  5. haha to each his own, if its yellow or orange everybody likes different colors but i do agree saffron looks like crap
  6. the reason why you are getting so much stuff is because it looks nothing remotely like a european car anymore, and that kindof kicks you out of the group. its not because of the fact that you modded a s40, its that you shoved a bunch of mods on that didn't fit the car and that you come across like you have no idea of what a volvo should look like
  7. at least there is a moose sticker in the side
  8. no, i dont mind adams that is posted above, that's a clean example of a nice s40. but STI'40 boys s40 needs some love by a person that has good taste in euro cars
  9. so what that some of our cars are 10 years old, i would take 90% of their cars over a fast and the furious modded S40, that wing needs to go, and so does the banner. i like the rims though
  10. i wonder if there is CF on the car, everybody knows that CF adds at least 20HP, AT LEAST! personally im ready to sell my car, and cop something like this. the volvo decal on the widow makes it, thats got to be custom not aftermarket
  11. thanks carson, be shure to see you sunday morining about 9:45-10:00 pending if i get lost
  12. aight, couple of questions it says that you have to have tires in OK condition (mine are pretty bald) so how bad is bad to bald, will somebody just look at it and determine wether or not you can run it? are they easy on you if you look like a jackass and have no idea on how to strap your car down or be able to make a nice run? i wanna run it, but if i am the only person that has not used a dyno before i will be a little hesitant. are the signups on saturday for both days or can you come on sunday and have a shot to get a spot or not? i will still come, but i would rather be able to run it, than just hang out thanks, spence
  13. yeah that was me, and i thin i saw you, no more turtle sticker, my GF put that on when i wasn't home, and i replaced it with a volvo moose, f'n turtles
  14. if your ever over here just give me a shout, its a small world. i will mos def give you a call, will you have the 240, i wanna see it more than you wanna see the yellow :D
  15. i am going over to pick it up from southcenter in the mourning (dont know what time but hopefully early), and then after that i was going to head up to west seattle to a friends house for a couple of hours and then go over to suquamish. so if you would like to give me a shout any time today, i'd be down to meet up 206-724-5460
  16. it was in the shop and it ended up taking a little longer than i thought, and the 240 is on blocks in the garage at the moment i will be around seattle tuesday if you wanna see it?
  17. so that was über brokeback that i was not able to show for the meet, expecially because i was looking forward to it so much, was there a good turn out for you guys? you might get pissed at me for asking this but i dont give a hoot, is the next one going to be in like 6 months so i have to kick myself in the jerk for not taking a cab to the meet, or will there be one sooner? i would like to meet some of you guys, cause im on this Darn site so much anyway late spence
  18. thats good because i think i would show up a little late if i knew that a circle jerk was planned
  19. i am glad at least some of you are supporting me. in no way razor am i saying that you personally should not do business with these people, i just thought a letter needed to be sent because behavior such as this should not be let by. if we let our ideals get in the way of consumerizm (not sure if thats a word) i to agree, this country would be divided in half. the problem that i had with it was the fact that if an employee said this to his boss he ould be fired in a flash, and just because this guy thinks that he is powerfull he can do this, its BS
  20. i do not not have a agenda, and for the record did i even say i was a liberal, you just assumed that i was. Its not like it is being forced down your throat when you are watching TV, the easy thing to do is just change the Darn channel. the point of my letter was that this guy has used his position to promote his ideals through the selling of his products, and that is bullcrap. and for the record dont label anybody republican/demorcrate/liberal/conservative without knowing them because it just makes you look like an idiot
  21. aside from you guys arguing about if god is a person or not we sent this email to troy (the owner), you are all my gardening fans arent you? Troy Hake: I just received a copy of this email from several of my gardening friends and am truly amazed at the apparent lack of common sense that you have illustrated by sending to your customers. Not only have you offended many of your email recipients but you have now stated that any of us that have opposing views as you should not do business with your company. While I have not purchased any of your products that I am aware of I now know that I will refrain from ever doing so in the future and will forward your email to all of my contacts, a similar approach as yours regarding CBS. While I can certainly appreciate your right to have your own opinions I find it very difficult to understand why you would jeopardize the livelihood of your family and employees by stating such slanted views. I hope that at some point in your life you will find a level of understanding for all people and beliefs as this is indeed the Christian way, not persecution and blame.
  22. haha and the trouser snake....rosey palm my god thats genius :D
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