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Everything posted by wmartinlsmith

  1. Axial wraith... That's what's on my mind... Need to get one.. soon!!!!!

  2. My computer is now hating me at the moment.. I have to work on Ot tomorrow. Too tired now.

  3. G+ mobile.... Maybe I'll start using it more now..

  4. Quaker steak and lube bug show, and I just deleted every photo I took so far... Dam..

  5. Omg!!!!!! Toddlers and tiaras..what is wrong with people..

  6. Do the leopards have Sharp talons..

  7. Ugh, what a Monday.. up early for work.. but leave late due to my a.d.d. fuuuuuuuuu

  8. Want to get a wraith after watching my buddy Jeffs kick ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD this morning on the rocks, dirt, grass and everything else that was in front of it.. soo cool.

  9. I've got a grumpy tummy waay to early on Sunday morning.

  10. Working hard on the to do list on a Saturday afternoon..

  11. sooo not motivated to wrench on my rig.. just not feeling it. such a fail.

  12. Foggy morning.. hopefully it goes smooth.

  13. Hoarders on TLC... OMG Sooo gross..

  14. Back to work tomorrow. The vacation is over booo!!

  15. off to go run rcs for a first sunday morning.. what a way to start off the new year!

  16. Thank you daisy for the greatest Christmas since I was a kid. I love you.

  17. MW3 time.. only had to wait 2 months..

  18. The coffee is brewing, and the kids are starting to wake up.. let's see what St. Nick has in store for them today.. Merry Christmas everybody.

  19. It's a cool 76 degrees outside.. yeah it feels a lot like Christmas..

  20. General tso's chicken for dinner!!

  21. R.I.P. Ryan Dunn... Watching CKY2K and having a been in your honor.. the light outshines the star.

  22. because VS hates me. I posted 3 listings in the auction sight last night and they have not listed in the FS feed.. What am I doing wrong.. should i just use teh classified section?
  23. Is it wrong that door to door salesmen really piss me off. I wish I could knock on their door and bother them while they're relaxing..

  24. Scientists say that 1 out of every 4 people are crazy... so go check 3 of your friends, if it's not them... Congrats!

  25. Santas white Christmas coffee.. Yumm..

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