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Everything posted by wmartinlsmith

  1. shower time! what a long day. Can't wait for Daisy Quinn to come home.. miss you baby

  2. bright hose sucks such huge dick.. doo eeet
  3. Burn ginger, burn. /tosh.0

  4. Goin home. Good by work

  5. Man.. I feel like I'm in hs.. Drinkin coffee while listening to smashing pumpkins.. how is 90's alt still considered "new"

  6. Let's go atl. Beat vick and those dirty birds.

  7. Thank you daisy for suprising me with fantastic chili for dinner!!!!!! Yummo!!!

  8. got primer on than my compressor shit the bed.. oh well excuse to upgrade now.
  9. Mr bean on top gear... Omg rowan atkinson is soo funny..

  10. Otw to the gulf coast euros kick off meet..

  11. http://auctions.volvospeed.com/HandR-15mm-hubcentric-spacers,name,101870,item_id,0,ad_type,ad_details spacers..
  12. well i posted an ad on the auction site and it has not transferred over to the main site.. did i mess up some how?
  13. yaaay i fixed my washer machine.. leakey laundry be GONE!

  14. Zoo pals make pizza fun.

  15. New jersey breakfast. Pork roll, egg and cheese.. in a onion pocket.. god my boys would fit in at home.

  16. I LOVE how mattphi pops up at the end... wit the holy crap.
  17. OMG, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Fantastic dinner made by my love Daisy! London broil and potato salad.. soo good..

  18. Gotta love living In the vicodin capitol of the US.. 98 of the top 100 prescribing are in fl

  19. monkey mtv and censoring the hell out of weezy..

  20. Ronnies a tucking fool... What's next? Is he gonna wash her feet/

  21. Jersey shore time!!! Fight time!!

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