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Everything posted by wmartinlsmith

  1. Holy mother of Christ!!!!!! Candied brown sugar Bacon is the greatest Bacon ever.

  2. my big fat gypsy wedding.. amazing..

  3. Moral question time.. is it wrong to tell your kids to not trust clowns because they need children's blood to survive?

  4. getting yelled at by the 2 year old.. loud LOUD jibberish iscoming out of his noise hole..

  5. BBC top gear.. nuff said..

  6. It's almost 2 on Sunday already.. Damn..

  7. i love my new flippy floppy slides.. if i can only get the baby to stop messing with them.. everything will be all good

  8. This weather is nasty nasty nasty... Do not like.

  9. Meat IS murder... DELICIOUS YUMMY murder.. nachos and tacos for dinner tonight.. I'm loving it..¦)

  10. Ugh... Car battery needs to be replaced. It'll have to wait till this afternoon.

  11. It feels so nice to get out of work at the normal time..

  12. Monday..... Yaay!!!! Back to work gotta stay cool and hydrated.

  13. my youngest playing at the biff burger.. became planking the biff burger... TFF..
  14. sushi... good sushi.. is on my mind at 7am.. ODD....

  15. long day coming to a close. we'll see how this Weekend goes.

  16. 17 sand dollars and bit of sunburn is what I got out of the beach today... thank goodness for ice cream..

  17. milk and cereal, cereal and milk!

  18. dragging ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD from a lazy day.

  19. to all who have friends and family in norway. i hope they are ok.. terrorist attack in oslo today..

  20. thinking about making the trip to brandon. idk. some one convince me to visit

  21. do you see what happens when you find a stranger I'm the alps?

  22. its hotter in the building than it is outside right now. FML working in schools during the summer

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