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Everything posted by wmartinlsmith

  1. my gah... one more drink and tham its bed time.

  2. votka and tea while working on the house some more.. changing a threshhold today... what a exciting weekend of repairs and maintnance on the house.. woohoo!

  3. tired, thinking about going to hot dub nights at sonic tonight to get away... idk. missed cars and coffee this morn.. :(

  4. omg its soo early. Wky the hell can't I sleep!

  5. "gourmet grilled cheese"

  6. hoorray for my friday. can't wait for the weekend to begin.. tO bad its gonna be all Work with a lil play.. spakeling, painting, blind repairs, more yard work.. woohoo

  7. only 9.5 more hours. this needs to hurry up.

  8. star wars, finally without commercial interuption. :)

  9. I hate to say it. but until its open for everyone, screw google+, why make a social network than only invite a few people. also while on said rant how come they can't figure out how to open up the youtube pipe so the videos of cats don't go to stuff at 5:30 every poking day.?!?.

  10. ever wonder if a cat has control over his tail. or does it. do whatever it wants?

  11. yard work. hopefully it stays cool..

  12. thank you taylor pork roll for being do ytummy when I'm drunk. Mmmmmm

  13. im kind of drunk noww,and cant go on chat.. its like it nowss im inebrated. WTF FUCK FUCKL FUCK!
  14. OMG! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1215745/Could-biggest-English-breakfast-world.html soo hot
  15. sunroof leaking, right over my head. stuff..


  17. ONLY the french can make rapping and a pool party with half nekkid wimins GAY!
  18. gettin up at 5 sucks when your neighbors were up till 1 lightin fireworks.. #tiredashell

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pXwjGAtifM allstate mayhen kills a V70! LOLOLOL
  20. my mom just called me and said she saw snookie at seaside last night... mom called her a midget in UGGS.. LMFAO!!!!

  21. meh, both micheal bay films.. I'll allow it.. also speilberg helped direct TF3, and i bet he lifted scenes may times too..
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