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Everything posted by wmartinlsmith

  1. Mr Show. soo funny!

  2. YAAAY! for no more broke axle clanking! now to do lower control arms and ball joint and the front end should be set for at least 5 years!

  3. yummy sangria on a sat night!

  4. can't fix my car. might as well fix some tacos instead..

  5. changing an axle tonight, good time


  7. for sale, incredible hulk green canistos for a volvo! 3 decent tires 1 is shot..

  8. if kids as much of a monkey as staying in school as they did trying to get back in when they walked out than they would all have A+'s. hate pulling stuff from locks... from the outside of schools

  9. I am excited! today is going to be a great day!!!

  10. its soo hot even the mosquitoes have quit fliyng today.

  11. astro skate with my boys!

  12. MUST WIN!!!! LETS GO BOLTS!!!!!

  13. mercedes diesel... on coils... hmmm

  14. tito an orange.. im gonn sleep good!

  15. added too much tomato paste.. sauce came out super thick and rich. we will live..

  16. here i come world.. its gonna be a good week!

  17. what a day... almost done. getting hotter down here.

  18. going to the flea for a lil bit.. dirt mall here we come.

  19. and that's why we live in one of the greatest countrys in the world.

  20. ok here's one that won't last long.. brrrr. its chilly this morn. 55* will burn off and become 90* soon.. good morning sun. :)

  21. goodnight sun. A nice end to a wonderful day. I love you Daisy!

  22. let's go lightning!

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