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Everything posted by wmartinlsmith

  1. such a nice cool day ruined by having to go to work.. :(

  2. all children left unattended will be given an espresso and a puppy.

  3. tito visits st.pete!

  4. what happened to soap on a rope? now its all loofas and scrub tools. I still like my bar of soap.

  5. is it beer thirty on friday night yet? can't wait for the week to be over...

  6. yummy ham dinner, mashed sweet potatoes, and french green beans,, soo good!

  7. looking up recipes on google is boogling my mind.. anyone have a nice recipe for a bone in ham.. i was looking at some and thinking of doing a mixture of sliced ham with cloves and some sort of glaze.. maple brown sugar cinnamon?? any help out there..

  8. Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan, adopting a tough tone after a chief rival accused him of naivete in foreign policy. heres the full article.. My link sorry to call you out my man.. but facts are facts..
  9. shatter the american dream with the truth of the american reality.

  10. 4am. and the baby wants to play.. WTF.

  11. RIP my DOMO keychain.. :(

  12. does bittorrent and windows 9 not work together? trying to DL some stuff and it o worky... FUUUUU!

  13. oddities on discovery science w/ daisy. yaay!

  14. would Foghorn Leghorn make a bad book narrator?

  15. LETS GO BOLTS! IM READY FOR A SWEEP! on another note.. I should have bought those tix for tonight.... :(

  16. I'm gonna steal a status from Tom W... happy Star Wars day! "may the fourth be with you!"

  17. traded in 6 games that were in the drawer got a lot more than expected, picked up portal 2.. and still have almost enough left over for a new controller in store credit !!!!! gotta love game stop!

  18. sleepy time! work in the AM! ugh do not like!

  19. such a beautiful sunday! goin to run the rc's for a lil bit.. see yall in a while

  20. OMG the deli people working today are STUPID

  21. in the words of johnny rotten and the sex pistols, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!

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