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Everything posted by wmartinlsmith

  1. tough decision.. hot dogs and fries.. or pancakes and eggs for dinner.. hmmm..

  2. kids are in bed... family guy on TV... time to relax....

  3. TOP GEAR S16E1!! HELL YEAH!!!!

  4. ricky gervaise is a genius and the show an idiot abroad is too funny soo far and all we have watched is the PREVIEW show!!

  5. pants off dance off... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

  6. OMG can't figure out what batteries to get.. such a decision..

  7. a beatles kind of mood!

  8. Jesse James is now engaged to Kat VonD... ahahaahahahaha!! sorry they seem perfect for each other..

  9. OMG cold gigi's pizza is almost better than hot frersh gigi's pizza!!

  10. just watched CASE39 with dais.... AWWWEEESSSOOOOOOOOOOMMMMEEE!!!!

  11. our LONG TIME friends steve and annie... please keep our good friends in your prayers.. annie has been battling breast cancer for somewhere near 2years.. and thought everything was done and on the road to recovery... the dr.s found a lump the other day and are doing a biopsy on FRI.. please keep them in your prayers..

  12. note to self.. just keep on swimming..

  13. off to bed i go... work in the AM... :(

  14. ok, so i just made a twitter acct to follow a few shows.. who is on twitter?? and what should i say as my first official "tweet" i think it should be something awesome in 140 characters or less..

  15. ugh.. really wanted a monster zero... all they had was rockstar zero.. tastes like ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD... but it has pepped me up..

  16. I wish it was thos perfect all year round.. but alas.. summer will show its ugly head in a few months and F everything up..

  17. in honor of NEW Tosh tonight... I'm wearing a collar'd shirt..

  18. facebook facebook.... facebook.....

  19. what I would do to be a duck on a rainy day like this!

  20. OTW to work in the rain! yaaay..

  21. jeez!!! I'm giving her every siignal I can.. and yet she still sits on the computer...

  22. youtube on PS3... is OK....

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