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Everything posted by wmartinlsmith

  1. watching grandmas boy.. awesome flick

  2. Santa wants to know if you have been naughty or nice this year and if you were naughty did you tape it?

  3. workin... such a fine day today..

  4. if general akbar and a wookie could mate and have little ones.. would they say, "its a WOODELELEL!!!". <(wookie..)

  5. going to see santa on this wonderful sunday evening..

  6. chilling with tiffany, zac, casey and chris with daisy, travis and the boys..

  7. wmartinlsmith

    for serge

    lolololol!!!! I LOL'd at this too...
  8. eh, I just take the bun bottoms off and fuse them together.. It's one hell of a manwich, I must say..
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JruqUIjl5Sw muppets performing bohemian rhapsody.. too cute..
  10. still debating if i should go down to the indy race this morn.. even tho its an hour in...
  11. sooooo worth its own topic the wrong hole
  12. I honestly didnt get it at first till I thought that car SHOULD be spinning both tires no prob.. I thought what a horrible cameraman.. than I LOL'd
  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i want both^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  14. 5 miles to work, 8.5 hours later 5 miles home.. and my ass is killing me... shitty saddle ftl.. stopped by the bmx shop on the way home and got some new pedals installed. and picked up a lil wider bmx saddle.. hopefully that will help out a bit.. gonna snatch up a lime green bmx chain when i get the single speed stuff from them too..
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