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Everything posted by Leo850T5

  1. HAHAHA that bat suit is badass! it looks very official
  2. WARNING: i know this video sucks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGvEJC2UQYA 850 vs supra, the 850 looks HOT! not much of a race though
  3. lmao it's not booze and it's not low... FAIL!! post that pic in Danny's thread hahaha
  4. i would be jealous if i hadn't already COB 5 times ok i'm still a little jealous. But i have Metallica tickits!
  5. it's Duke Nukem, strippers are absolutely necessary! god that looks so awesome, it better come out for the 360
  6. +1, thank you It's beautiful in its brutality you can inflate/deflate the tires from inside the cabin, that's badass
  7. wtf? his nose has a boner. i'll take one plz
  8. i like macaroni & cheese with ketchup soooo good
  9. i mean i can see how a person could neglect or harm a child just because i don't have a lot of patience with kids, especially my neighbor's kids that annoy the shit out of me but i would never do such a thing
  10. was drunk earlier... but Bud Light FTL didn't have a choice, it was either that or jello shots ugh
  11. rofl that's in Brazil. Those fuckers on bikes are everywhere! That brought a smile to my face
  12. so he's coming to Detroit? staying for the Ikea meet on oct 5?
  13. i can imagine yours and Khax's conversation [21:27] Khax: zomg hi2u? [21:28] Soccer DCB VII: whats up? [21:28] Khax: nm, u? [21:29] Soccer DCB VII: nm. ... [21:55] Soccer DCB VII signed off
  14. you're just mad your S70 sits like a monster truck :lol:
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