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Everything posted by Stormtrooper1

  1. Yeah Some insurance companies = not so smart. When my sister got rear-ended the other guys insurance offered her like $1000 to total out her Malibu, saying it had like was a 98, had 150,000 miles and was a salvage title. It was an 03, Clean title and had like 75,000 on it.
  2. At Leaset you Have Vowles... Yeah, you've seen my last name. 6 Letters, 1 vowel, 2nd from the end. I've actually told people if it "looks Wrong" it's spelled correctly. I'd say take the check to your bank. Talk to them. they may just have you Sign it with the incorrect name, then sign it correctly...
  3. Thats just poor driving. I saw the same thing today, then the guy sped up and cut me off, barley missing clipping my fender as he dove infront of me even though there was NO ONE in either lane in front of us. He was driving a late 90's lumina with a smashed drives fender (big surprise there) Proceded to cut others off about 5 different times before diving across 4 lanes of traffic to get on another freeway with no blinker.
  4. the Lexus/prius was lame. Every one knows it's not a REAL lexus. the other one was pretty nice. I'd totally rock one, but the commute for the wife is over 40 miles so... and, I have no plans of ever getting rid of my saff either. Now, if i could get a saffron prius.....
  5. I'm tossing around the idea of Selling the 76 Caddy and trying to Pick up a c70 vert.... I don't know if it's a good idea or not.... nor do i know if i'd be able to get a good price on one.
  6. Ya know... if that guy was such a coffee person, wouldn't he have it at home? or at least stop somewhere better than MCD? I've heard their Premium coffees taste really bad.
  7. You can get Ice cube trays that freeze ice into shot glasses.
  8. meteors. But, Close enough to keep me from parking by you! :P
  9. I'll have to remember not to ever park by you.... ;)
  10. That's just one less Dollar in someones G-string.
  11. ATTN Justin: there is now an App (Called Strip Search) for your iphone to find Strip Clubs where ever you are.
  12. I stay away from diet soda because i HATE the taste of aspartame.
  13. Yeah.. It seems to me no one else can bag stuff right. I did the Cashier/bagger back in High School too.... So I'm quick and efficient on the bagging. If the wife is with she pays, and i bag. I was at super target the other week, and bought some milk and one of those 96 load bottles of tide. the cashier asked if i wanted the milk in a bag, I said no, they proceeded to shove the soap in a bag and then shove something else in there with it, and then the rest of my stuff (a little over $50 worth) in a single other bag. Needless to say the bag broke getting it back in the cart. I realize I have a toddler with and you may be trying to help with the least bags possible but come on! Then there was the wal-mart trip where you buy 10 items and they have those bag spinners, so the cashier puts every item in an individual bag... talk about wasteful. what really tweaks me out though is people putting chemicals with the food. at least put it in a separate bag and then in the food bag... I mean canned goods are one thing, but i had (at target) the cashier toss a box of powdered dishwasher soap on top of a pack of fresh raw chicken.... I grabbed another bag and fixed that right away. Sharp corners + plastic wrap + powder soap + raw meat are not a good thing in my book. It's gotten to the point that the wife and I have started complimenting the cashiers if they do a good job bagging. I love the self checkouts, but hate the weight sensors and how small the area is that you need to leave your purchases until the transaction is finished. Plus i hate how loud they are often set and that some stores machines yell out the price of every item. you Scan.....BEEP...... NINETY EIGHT...CENTS...............then half the time it doesn't notice you put the item in the bag..PLEASE PUT ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA.......then finally the machine will accept another item to scan
  14. If we are posting Failed burnouts now... this ones pretty crazy... NSFW because of the swears being yelled i would assume. Failed burnout in a Dodge Truck
  15. Those Tacky ugly ones? Try a Fleet Farm if you have 'em
  16. pretty sure someone tried to push in my sunroof the other night.glass is ok but i'm afraid of how far out of wack the alingment on it is going to be. I don't think it'll even open to the vent mode.
  17. wondsers if he can twitter his facebooks status to Volvospeed via myspace?

  18. Just got them unpacked and tested. OMG. Best.Headphones.Ever.
  19. Thanks! I'm pretty thrilled. I generally hate earbuds. I usually stuck with Sony headphones. (I liked the street style ones i think they were... they went behind your neck. I could sleep in them which was nice when having roommates. I'm a fan of Bose. just could never justify dropping $150 on a set of headphones. I think i'll stick with the buds for the gym, which was my main purpose in buying them, but other than that...
  20. I won a set of Bose headphones from Dodge the week of thanksgiving. They Arrived today. Very Excited. Should be better than the $10.00 set of ear buds I currently have.
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