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Everything posted by s70turbo1998

  1. Dude. Especially you of all people...what are you doing in Rehobeth :lol:
  2. We lit a napkin on fire at my old apartment out on our porch and the wind picked it up and it started floating into the woods. Luckily it was raining :lol:
  3. okdjbear This is my roommates xbox gamer tag^ Add him and I'll probably be on as well.
  4. Any members in or around the Harrisonburg, VA area? Saw a V70R I believe. Had tint and rims, was raining too much for me to really take a good look at it. We definitely saw each other :lol:
  5. What's a pregnant chick doing riding a motorcycle?
  6. I've drank for the past 6 nights in a row. Heavily. Time out for me.
  7. My thoughts: Christ I'm blazed right now.
  8. YOU FUCKING POSER! Do it, it looks clean. And since you're looking for black accents, paint the T5 black. Would look good. I plan on doing it whenever I have 10 minutes to kill I think I'm going to buy a bag of polished rocks so that if I ever get into that kind of situation I can open his window for him to yell a few choice words before I drive away :lol:
  9. You are like the Michael Phelps of awful threads.
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: I CAN BREAK THESE CUFFS AHHHHHHHHHH I can break these cuffs...remix
  11. I am so tempted to swap the grille and headlights off the C70 parked outside my house for 98 S70 parts :lol:
  12. I have a rivet gun, I need to know what size rivets to get. I'm not spending 20 dollars on rivets either They are cheappp at autozone.
  13. duplicolor automotive paint. I washed them with purple power, rinse, sanded with 150 grit, then 400 grit, rinsed, dried off. Then 2 coats of dupli paint adhesion clear primer, 3 coats of the flat white, then 2 coats of dupli clear. Plastidipped the lug bolts black! :lol:
  14. In real life! Just finished 15 minutes ago!
  15. Kate's Klondike sounds better. I'm gonna open one up across the street.
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