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Everything posted by s70turbo1998

  1. 150 (obo) for the Columbas if we meet up in between somewhere. I'm gone this week, but I'll be back home all next week.
  2. Those rich folk can complain because when they were kids they were working and not complaining about how it's too hot to skateboard outside.
  3. Not true. My entire school would look like that if that were the case :lol:
  4. I'm all about that dude, but seriously
  5. WAT? Post up in cosmetic/maintenance next time, you will get more help. You'll want to get a set of H1 bulbs for your fogs duder.
  6. You asked why your fogs did not work. Then said they have no bulbs. Then asked some more. In off topic. What the hell did you expect. That's like asking "so I took the bulbs out of my headlights, but now they don't work anymore. What happened?"
  7. I bought some elbow grease to help make my synthetic blinker fluid flush go much more quickly.
  8. It was a joke. A joke, as in "I hope asking 'did my car come with fogs but no bulbs' was a joke".
  9. Wat. Look under your car. Volvo was the first manufacturer to sell it's cars bulb free, helped lower the prices.
  10. "My apologies, my pet cricket has restless leg syndrome" -Adam West
  11. Joe Cartoon was awesome! Those were so good.
  12. Adam go back to work, it's only 2 in the afternoon:
  13. Voting for anybody that posts in this thread bemoaning their circumstances is a waste :lol:
  14. I think the idea behind it was somebody known that contributes a lot to the forum. Kind of like "give to VS, VS gives back!" And not somebody that is well known in the Off Topic and R forum :lol:
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