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Everything posted by s70turbo1998

  1. Go the doctor. Tell him you're nauseous in the morning, can't hold food down, and then ask him about Nexium. I had the same problem as you (didn't smoke to "combat" the symptoms however ) and after about 2 months on the purple pill my stomach hasn't bothered me once. Sounds like your stomach lining is not 100%; Nexium, or whatever generic alternative they might have, treats that pretty well.
  2. Just another +1 for pot. You can win 8 gold Olympic medals and still blaze :lol:
  3. I enjoy skinny-skiing...going to bullfights on acid...
  4. Had a sprinkler pipe burst in our apartment building last night. Kitchen flooded as did the laundry room. Lived life by candelight for a night, now it's all fixed! yay 2 dehum's and a giant turbo fan in our apartment! Sounds like a bathroom on a jet in our place...oh well we're all drunkkkk haha
  5. Word. I just told the guy it would require an additional investment if he were to buy them from me and to let me know if he still wants them.
  6. So he would need 4 2 millimeter hubrings to make these work?
  7. Will Columbas fit a 2005 V50? I'm guessing no, but worth a shot, someone replied to my CL ad regarding them and a V50.
  8. I think they all have you on ignore :lol:
  9. Stairs are what keep me in shape. Get 5 kegs, get them all upstairs (used to be 3rd floor last year, now I'm second), and call it a workout for the week :lol:
  10. NO DON'T DO IT! You have to get the serial number off of your original oil and have a paint shop that specializes in oil mix you a proper batch. hahaha jk
  11. A good beer or 2, some sliced apples, and a good cheese: perfect paper writing aids :lol:
  12. Moderation! Keep it to the weekends. And Thursdays. Sometimes Wednesdays. And days off. 15 beers last night. Fratastic.
  13. lawlz I'm drunk. That's what it did to me. Funny thing is we hung out with the people that lived next to me last year. Kept banging on my old place's door, apparently they don't answer the door hahaha
  14. 4 foot Roor. I ventured into that cloud pic. 14 beers 2! lawz.
  15. No she wouldn't have. Roommates told me what she said when I left :lol:
  16. :lol: I made a girlfriend that wasn't my girlfriend. Good thing I KNow when to hold back! I'm a good boyfrined
  17. Think about it though. You're speeding home, about to shit your pants. Pull into your driveway, hop out the door, hit a button and run inside while your car parks on it's own!
  18. How the hell am I going to get to a hooker without a car.
  19. Oli, stay away from this woman: Penis arson
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