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Everything posted by CoRalV70

  1. Family of Indian's(the kind from India) just walked into the hotel with bags of Taco Bell.. Either A: they don't follow traditions or B: this just proves taco bell doesnt use real beef...

  2. to the moron in the Tacoma reading the newspaper while swerving down the highway... go monkey yourself

  3. i guess forcing myself to stay up late never pays off

  4. Soco and lemonade tea monster...not bad

  5. how many more days of this shithole?...28...monkey my life

  6. lol...http://speedtest.net/result/2042162191.png

  7. I give up so tired of not existing

  8. everyday is the same.... starts shitty ends shitty

  9. grilling up a burger so i dont set the fire alarms off again, thank god for grills at hotels

  10. locked myself out of the hotel, go me

  11. everyday is the same shitty day on repeat... meh

  12. How backwards is it here?... they still use freaking Jeep mail trucks

  13. 1 bar of service, gotta love this shithole

  14. No... That pretty crazy all that for a nes controller beanie... the steal is worth more LOL
  15. Hungover yesterday...fine today...Just really fucking cold going from 70+ to 20 SUCKS
  16. LMFAO http://www.wnep.com/wnep-lacka-tents-run-down-the-street-as-occupy-scranton-is-evicted-20111222,0,1149385.story Welcome to Scranton....Home Sweet Home
  17. That is true, But half of those people hate us.
  18. HAHAHA, that's why I said it. Turbobrick's it basically worthless, you probably are the only person capable of saving it.
  19. Merging with Turbobricks, Finally? haha
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