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Everything posted by CoRalV70

  1. Not gonna lie, second made me lol Weddings wedding@chaparralsuites.com Mitzvahs mitzvahs@chaparralsuites.com Social Functions socialfunction@chaparralsuites.com

  2. So, back in Arizona for the first time in nearly 5 years... That visit 5 years ago was pretty much what made my life what it is right now. My job, my life, my experiences, and even friendships all came out of what happened here in 2007..

  3. Its poking cold in chicago

  4. Why the monkey cant i pick a different pic then this stuff, monkey you facebook

  5. why the monkey do i have to reset my router everytime i want to play xbox? wtf

  6. Wow hydras work on p2's better then 940's
  7. Finding a manual flywheel for the 240 is proving to be a impossible feat. Fml

  8. Lmao, from a ad for a 240 "turbo" "I was just eloquently informed this version is not a TURBO. However, it has the button on the drive gear that you can push to shift car into another speed. I assumed this was TURBO. I will research further." Yea...

  9. Done with this hell after lunch tommorow until December 27 :-)!

  10. Yep, tired of the cold already. Arizona cant come soon enough...

  11. Another 242 turbo soon.. Lets hope so

  12. I guess i should see if the s60r will start

  13. Killing a transmission a week, its 2009 all over, except now its the great m56/whatever is in the 242 war of 2011.

  14. 2003 grandams are quite simple to break into to disable and make undrivable

  15. I can has mod.... I have no life and spend whole work day on here..?
  16. 242 manual swap purchased now to acquire

  17. Dodge Ram with puerto rico license plates... Just a hunch but im gonna say it wasnt driven here,lol!

  18. Yep ios5=wannabe android os haha

  19. New British airways commercial has a Concorde doing a ricer fly by of a380,lol

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