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Everything posted by CoRalV70

  1. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/12/31/ariz-divorce-case-hits-snag-after-marriage-validity-questioned-because-husband/?intcmp=obinsite Wait, what? lol... i love AZ
  2. hopefully nobody got this for Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_344060&feature=iv&src_vid=LF5kgkI6ags&v=jENtrbt790c Yes its fake, but pretty funny
  3. HAHA... btw that is NOT me.... but my 242 is in the background lol
  4. This is the kind of shit that goes on at a AZ turbobricks meet...
  5. Only thing I know is awkward silence

  6. Drunk me is fucking retarded.... i guess i decided to buy 5 packs of m&m's and dump them all over my bed??? but i passed out on the floor instead.... i guess i wanted them to be comfortable???LOL
  7. rsi cam successfully installed in teh gt

  8. 3 "monkey off's" trying to get the GT inspected...

  9. Yay for feeling like death again.

  10. God I love the million and one question game

  11. I guess im above south carolina or some stuff

  12. woo Texas! lol (never thought id be happy to be in Texas)

  13. leaving white sands missle range for the last time... thank god

  14. lol..... seriously wish i knew what i bought for $634 on the 4th...????

  15. 2 more boxes to ship back and done....

  16. worst day ever, poking cgs

  17. Pretty sure I have officially lost my mind....and its all good LMAO

  18. finally gave in and bought a new laptop after 6 years lmfao

  19. It's quite obvious that I no longer hold the meaning to you i once did

  20. I want 242 turbo back so i stop blowing money on the stupid NA GT!!! LOL!

  21. i guess im just invisible or something

  22. been trying to "stream" a 2 hour movie for 6 lol...nothing is ever easy for me

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