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Everything posted by Greenchunks

  1. That picture was taken shortly after the whole thing was repainted....
  2. Congrats on finding a replacement and one that will end up looking so similar Black interior yes?
  3. So your mods were driving it into a field? (jk I see the grille)
  4. No my priorities are right where they should be. Standing 8 rows back on the 50 yard line cheering my arse off for my team and watching us move up to number 10 by demolishing Oregon. Next stop USC baby! Run and hide bisshes, run and hide. As much as I love going to meets, I wasn't about to pass up a keg of guiness, a keg of red hook, a keg of Sierra Nevada, and a keg of Pyramid Marzen along with 50+ pounds of smoked pork shoulder that I prepared for 3 days and some marinated chicken along with other delectable treats. Yep, ignoring the fact that I've been going to meets since I was 16, and was part of the original burgerball meets. Oh and pras, my balls are a little itchy would you mind licking them for me, the soothing rustle of your tongue is irreplaceable and I long for it oh so much......... Oh and Pras, you feeling scared yet after barely beating Washington St. and Washington? are ya?
  5. Bout a week after I got it: with tint: with Rims and R bumper: sorry no good pics yet with the lowering and HID's, will try sometime this week.
  6. Looks like a fun time was had by all. Too bad I couldnt make it but the Cal v. Oregon Game was awesome!
  7. and a new stick with which he shove up his As$, his current one one is getting worn out.
  8. How come you kept the amber upper tail light portion?
  9. Ok 1. What does me being from California have to do with anything? 2. Jesse's Downpipes were of incosistent quality and had some fitment issues. People buying an item for 180$ or 300$ and people being happy with that item and having it fit properly and be professionally welded are two different issues. i could make you a downpipe out of cardboard and tinfoil for 450$ and the fact that someone bought it means nothing. Buying a product, and having a product be up to the standard you want it to be are two different stories. I bet if you ask Mike personally if CJ's downpipes are better made, cleaner and fit better for your average car (ie not custom made on the car but rather sent out to people with no test fit on that specific car) he would agree that they are. However his may very well work as well. 3. You are not giving your idea, you are lamenting ipd about their price, thats not an idea. They've been in business prolly longer than you've been alive (or me for that matter) so I take it they know what they're doing as far as pricing goes. 4. I called no one stupid except you. And that was warranted. 5. I told no one here to buy ipd, I actually explicitly stated that most of us here do not buy all of our parts from ipd and ipd does not market directly to us, but rather to the masses who dont know about this site. 6. I strongly dislike (I don't really want to use hate, because well you might only be a big douche in real life and not a huge one) 7. I like lists. 8. I want to keep putting things here to make this response look even more formulated structured and articulated. 9. The only reason I am still posting in here, or even did in the first place is so I can argue with douche's like karlson and so I can distract myself from the work I need to get done.
  10. Jesus guys how are people still bikcering about this? Clearly, this is not aimed at us to buy. This is aimed at people who arent us but who have a volvo and want to make it faster. You guys should be happy that they introduced this, that means more fast volvos out there and that is after all what we want, correct? It's be clearly established that we can source the parts individually for cheaper, good you! Then go do it yourself and dont buy this kit, but for those that can't or dont want to this is the deal for them. SO Karlson shut up already about downpipes, you clearly dont know what they cost, even after being told by PEOPLE WHO MAKE THEM what they cost. If you want to do it your way, then do it and shut up and gloat about paying less later. This thread really is pathetic guys. Here people are whining about the lack of aftermarket Volvo stuff, and here is a company working on expanding the market, and all you guys do is bash them for their prices when you wouldnt be buying from them in the first place. So get off your f*cking soap boxes sit your rear end down and shut up. /stands down from own soap box
  11. Why don't they Just call it the 'Teeter Kit' and also give you lessons on how to drive a manual poorly? But in all seriousness, I think its a cool thing that they came out with and yeah while much of ipds business does not come from us, many of their ideas do and thats what makes this place great. I like the idea of giving pepole who dont know about this site a good option for their car. Me personally, I think I'll be better off with one of the New Atech Intercoolers Doug can get for ~875$ a Rica Chip for 750$ a used 2.5 exhaust for 300-400 and one of CJ's downpipe's (800) (or maybe an entire K&R exhaust instead 800) That should yield the same or better gains for about 500$ less.
  12. Paul, I'll let you know how my 6000K works out.
  13. these wont take as long as the Projectors and Quaife LSD's will they? :)
  14. Put me down for a set of 5mm for the front, and 15mm for the rear, and matching length lugs for all of them.
  15. can we talk stuff on your dad's tan interior and 13G and the fact that you dont have a volvo?
  16. Guys, I saw these in person today, and wow, the color is not done justice by those pics. It looks really really nice. Also for those hesistant or not a fan of the radius center caps which dont match, you can get Volvo caps and chop them a bit to fit in there, or just make it a solid color, or get a volvo decal. But these rims look awesome in this color, Im almost wishing that I got my 18s in this Color.
  17. Darn Pat, my condolences, I know how much that car meant to you, even though you treated it like your bastard child. Things will work out ok though for you, they always do (for a while at least). If you need anything I'm only a short drive away and would be willing to help out.
  18. thats right guys! now hop in on the special price i set up for you guys.
  19. shiat, I'm getting a whole new suspension, may as well toss these into the pot.
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