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Everything posted by echristodo

  1. Think the GTG will be over by 6P? I have to put some hours on the 10th but if it starts early I may be able to leave work early. Tits.
  2. Good call. Lots of requests for pics, but nothing so far... has anyone gotten anything? Interested in the exaust if that falls through/doesn't happen. Is the IC stock?
  3. LOL, well if there is a deli around she should be good. One of my coworkers spoke of his instense fear watching his wife eat while she was carrying because he was worried it would never end, so you should be good if you got that covered! Nice meet though, it would be great if we could organize something like that over here... im jelous!
  4. Depending on the size of the man-crushes out there this might just be selling point .
  5. I agree, its really surprising. X-post it on swedespeed, craigslist with oregon and cali zips (offer to deliver), autotrader with the same approach as craigslist... GL though, I hope its still poping around fremont after you sell it!
  6. LOL, "rail-birding" is a term that refers to standing at the sidelines of something of which you are not a part of for amusement, when the activity itself is not designed to amuse others. It was adopted by poker because of how well it funcitonally refers to others watching a table game.
  7. Its a feeler: a precursor to sale. Are you interested or just rail-birding?
  8. That is a good question. From what I understand there is not going to be a set increase that would be uniform accross the board, but will instead depend on the car. You can measure the boost difference, but HP is going to vary. Ask "the understudy," from what I understand brian knows a bit about this area. Kevin, you got an answer? Additionally, based on this feeler there seems to be sufficient interest in the 16t to warrant my not turning it in as a core and instead doing a little more leg work to get it under one of your hoods! For the time being though lets just send me PM's about it so this thread doesnt take up room from some other people with items ready to sell. When I get mine off the car I'll change the title to "FS" and bump it up, and let everyone know via PM that was interested about its availability. Cheers!
  9. is anyone else playing the jeopordy theme song? :D
  10. That might be the best route, keep it in the family right? We just have to figure a core out for viva or some better pricing from volvo. Carson, what did they charge you for the 18t? Or was that a one time lube sort of thing...? Will volvo take your 13g as a core melville?
  11. So I think i might go with an 18t here pretty soon and wanted to see what sort of interest there was for my 16t. I obviously cant get to specific about the condition because its still on there but it pulls real hard and the car only has 72k on it. Let me know what you think it is worth, or if you are interested!
  12. Is this car faster than my cousin's Civic Si? If so I am interested... I'm sorry to hear that you are entertaining thoughts of sending her back to the herd, I have sort of viewed your car as the holly grail of P1s ever since I joined this site B)
  13. I dont like those corners either, the whole thing just looks a little too japanese. I would like to see the blacks though... I think outfitting some valeos on my stockers will be just fine at the moment, I just getting outbid at the last second...
  14. and mexico... I want to see some pics though, a hispanic '70?!
  15. Your head hurts? I think my brain is dead! Watching bizzle get kicked in the nuts was the best bday gift I could have asked for though! How much did carl drop? ~$900?
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