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Everything posted by dmelviØØ7

  2. Big time! http://jalopnik.com/5849236/awesomest-craigslist-ad-ever-for-used-skyline-spits-awesomeness
  3. I'm willing to give it a try if the money is right though and believe me it's gonna cost them.
  4. KInd of unsure of your heritage at this point LOL Before I even finished my conversation with Adam I had a missed call and text from Scott and then and email from Doug. They want me at Ravenna.
  5. Sounds like you're working? I put in my 2 weeks notice today.
  6. Pffft swimming and sun are sooooo last year.
  7. Just replace Adam with Ozzie and you are all good.
  8. HAHAHA My stepdad still talks about his ride with you last year.
  9. What is the name of the city you live in?
  10. Pay for the studs and spacers and we are good to go! One of my favs from the show for sure LOLOLOLOL
  11. Not in our parts room. No wait, we have a steel wheel!!
  12. You should ask him if he has any water pumps LOLOL
  13. You might want to have them see if the pump is covered under the extended warranty. uhhh what?
  14. I drove through it 3 weeks ago, it's just as awful as when I lived there.
  15. 2 cars lowered in one day, not bad. Beat flat rate on a new brand too :lol:
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