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Everything posted by dmelviØØ7

  1. So what do rabbits use to wipe their asses with?
  2. And I supposed you call it a "hood" instead of a bonnett too huh?
  3. Directions to magnuson: I-5 in either direction take 65th st offramp. Turn eastbound on 65th, follow all the way to the water. Man that was difficult.
  4. I got steelies on my turbo but they are covered by hubcaps!!
  5. There aint nothing wrong with stock rims, I am rockin' them.
  6. If you gotta spare clutch for an m46 lyin' around you can drive my turbo for the day.
  7. So you only call out me when I say it and not Brian? WTF?
  8. Ever heard of mapquest??? My 240 is fast......compaired to a snail as long as it runs, that is all that counts
  9. Oh now you are okay with it?!?! You better take that slap comment back.
  10. I am racking my brain trying to think of something that my car does better than yours and I am having a really hard time. My roof is whiter than your roof!!! BUt seriously we need to re-think the Target idea. What about Northgate State University if you want to stay in that neighborhood? What is wrong with Magnuson to GG, freshwater to saltwater run???
  11. Have you ever tried to go to target on a sunday afternoon? It is going to be a bitch to get in there. I am still voting for something else.
  12. Ooooh black, maybe I will be able to show it off at the meet. :D
  13. Did you cut out that control module.
  14. I don't need freeway driving, my shit tops out at 85.....you ever find any cargo covers?
  15. 960 efan will bolt right up, do that. That other fan might cathc on fire anyways.
  16. Magnuson to Golden Gardens would be a better drive. Northgate sucks.
  17. Yeah I know, good thing he lives in Portland. That is proabably the only thing that is keeping me safe.
  18. Kiss my ass. (translation: the thought of me not having a garage makes me cry) I want homelink for the garage door at work (which has a lift I can use whenever I want, so go to hell Carson) the garage door at my apt and the parking garage at work. I was just contacted by a Seattle Area n00b who should try his best to get to this meet. This is his name, GoalieFergy53, send him PM's to convince him to go. Oh and welcome.
  19. Good point, but my ass is at 200ºF!!! :lol:
  20. Interesting, thank you very much. But do you really think that the factory coolers are that bad?
  21. I think that is the only reason anybody really wants to go. Doesn't anyone want to see my homelink install?
  22. So I am confused. The radiator has cooler lines going to it, why is this needed?
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