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Everything posted by dmelviØØ7

  1. Kevin you suck at life, you are going to go crawling back to your parents in less than a month.
  2. Don't forget to plum that radiator!!
  3. Yeah, it smells like spaghetti. Is it spaghetti? I love spaghetti.
  4. That was july 30, he has had more than enough time. HE doesn't need bumpers fitted to turn the goddamn key.
  5. Oh snap!! Do I hear a challenge? RWD FTW!!!
  6. Got the overheating problem fixed, I'll be there for sure!!
  7. Blow dealers used cars out of the water??? But I do the 130 point inspections!!
  8. So is this bitch running yet or what!?!
  9. Time to take bets on numbers. I think The Prof is going to lay down 82 WHP. Anyone else?
  10. What is the "My lawnmower has more horsepower than your car" prize?
  11. Ooh run on sentence, my fav. The new pegs perhaps?
  12. Like I'll ever see a VS car at my shop anyways. Other than Evan of course.
  13. Agreed, that is very scary. BTW can you tell me where to find a carbon fiber valve cover?
  14. Oil change, tire rotation, and cabin air filter. So the chances are very slim, especially since it was back in june. But that thought is still in the back of my head.
  15. Alright guys I am not going to repost the video link but here is the low down. The owners name is Gary, he is a pretty cool guy from what I have heard. He was headed down the express lanes when some one pulled up next to him and told him his car was on fire. He pulled over and the rest was history. The car was a V70 XC, color: GREEN!!! After watching the video over and over again before I clocked in, my boss calls me into his office to tell me that I am the unfortunate mother fucker who worked on the car last. He waits for my response, which was damn near tears, to tell me that all I did was a software upgrade and a 45k and that it is almost impossible that it was my fault. But in the back of my mind I am still a wee bit scared about the whole thing, at least no one was hurt. And now to reafirm your love for Volvos. Volvo of North America is getting involed. They are sending a couple of guys out here to investigate exactly what happened to this car. This news made me shit my pants, but is good for all of you saftey nuts out there.
  16. +1 I am pissed I totally forgot about the cutoff date. Brian can vouch for me, I always pay for my t-shirts!
  17. Oh schnap, I am so glad I didn't take the freeway for my 3 mile commute home this afternoon.
  18. Very nice, by far the best steering wheel Volvo has ever made. You know there are a set of Volutions for sale right now......
  19. How did you find my diagram, WTF?
  20. That white 245Ti I just bought is running that setup, it works great! Dyoned at 387WHP, I got slips to back it up.
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