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Everything posted by ///RonalT5

  1. ummm, my uncle is in the Army and he has told me alllllllll about it. Ya, you may be trained better, but I don't think the marines are on the ground fighting the damn insurgents that are killing everyone as much as the army. People join the marines so they have a BETTER chance of not seeing ground combat. ~Mike edit: sorry Jena, had to respond to the guy above.
  2. O, that place that our prez said never existed then changed his mind. That place is a disgrace and some of the people there don't deserve to be there and tortured for nothing. I don't mind the patriot act, just think it is a little sketchy. ~Mike
  3. I mean, it does limit or 'invade' your freedom of speech because it states that ANYONE can be arrested and then tried in a military court WITHOUT any representation. I mean , unless you are KNOWN to be a terrorist, it is a little sketchy, and it has been used on innocent people before. And it was passed because the liberal pussie didn't want to look soft on terrorism or they wouldn't be elected this past november. I will say that liberals don't stand up enough for what they belive is right, and it bugs the F out of me. ~Mike
  4. Are you joking me? 1) Conservatives don't give a sh!t about the common good, all they care about is their damn money, and if they F people in the process, who cares? A la Dick Cheney smart guy. 2) Liberal nation of subjects? You have to be kidding me... 3) Liberals hate freedom of speech? Ummmmm, who made the patriot act dumb@$$, was it a liberal, nooooo, it was a conservative, so our freedom of speech is not non-apparent. 4) Liberals do not hate freedom. Where did you come up with that? Cause you know and talk to SOOO many of them and listen to what they have to say. 5) Are you joking about locking up the mind and soul, liberals are the ones who are open minded. You are the closed soul homie. You posted about Jews being the neo-conservative? You are closed minded, not liberals. 6) Starfish is a mental disorder ~Mike
  5. O, damn, I didn't know Alqeda had a foreign policy... THEY DON'T. They hate us and it wasn't SADAAM who attacked us F tard, it was a totally different organization that Sadaam hated, and it has been proven numerous times. Bush wanted Sadaam out to please his daddy and finsh the job, end of discusion. ^^^ +1 for Pras. ~Mike
  6. haha, and that is the difference between you and me. And what Jack did was totally out of line and he should be booted, along with norton, out of the Republican party and not let into any other, because they make democracy into a disgrace. ~Mike EDIT: Jack will be in jail, forgot, haha.
  7. Actually, I did agree with some of the things he said, just am tired of hearing all the liberal crap. I am middle of the line, just don't particularly like this government, haha. ~Mike
  8. Dear God, we would all be killed in a matter of weeks. ~Mike
  9. Could you please shut your face and actully give an answer that doesn't evolve into a "I hate liberals" rant that you put in every God damn mother F'ing post you put!!! As for Mike, what Pras said nailed it, it is not the process, it is the damn officials (like Abraoff, Norton, etc. all of whom are conservatives ) who F over people just to get money to win, and are not interested in the common good of the public. ~Mike
  10. That is just F U C Ked up dude, now I know your a total ignorant, self centered, opinionated, horribly biast linker, who just lives in his little bubble and doesn't think for himself and follows his party's was without consideration of others, DAMN!!! Jeez dude, even conservatives would say your off on that one. ~Mike I LOVE the last link, haha, EVANGELICAL FREAK!!!
  11. And that is the reason why conservatives like you should not be running this country. Liberals self-loathing?!?!?! You don't care about anyone but yourselves, and you would rather say F it and destroy things than sit down and think about why sh!t is happening BEFORE you jump to a conclusion. That is why we are in such a mess!!! ~Mike
  12. ^^^ haha, and you gave it the corect allowed space too! ~Mike
  13. Mmmmm, not neccesarily. Us helping Israel (which wasn't a bad ting) was a smack in the face to the musilms and gave them yet another reason to hate us. I am still working on the solution, haha. And Starfish, could you not be a douche for once in your life, just cause someone has a different opinion than you, thanks. ~Mike
  14. +1, finals tommorow and I keep switching back between VS and studyspanish.com, damn you CHUCK!!! ~Mike
  15. -1. It was a stupid idea, and he needed to look at the consequences before he did it. ~Mike
  16. Honestly, I have no freakin idea bro. I think we need to try something different at least, cuase the current way ain't working so good. How about this, I will try to formulate an exit strategy after I am done with finals in a week. ~Mike
  17. I am not a hippy. I don't like hippies much more than conservatives, just a moderate who thinks our president and his policies are F'ing retarded. ~Mike
  18. ^^^UBER PWNAGE!!! USMC, you need to get a brain and actually see that the war is failing. And it is true what I am saying, Saddam hated religious extremists and had them executed. If I am not mistaken, Saddam was part of the conservatve group and his political advesaries were extremists and other religious people. GUess what, he had them murdered. Don't think ur all cool cause you have a degree in politcal science, great accomplishment. And so what if I am in high school and actually get what is going on in the world, you don't like being told ur wrong from a 17 year old? And the USMC does not have a political view? That is the biggest joke of the century. People join because they are for the war, the reserve is for people who don't really have or opinion or hwo just wanted their education paid for. My uncle is in the reserves, and he is 50. He got sent over to Iraq and he said it was a total mess. People did not know what they were doing, they had no armor on their vehicles, he was scarred every F'ing day he was over there. Your president is a complete retard because he won't admit he is wrong, a similar trait for texans. And another thing, all of your 'come-backs' are wrong too. 1) Saddam did kill the extremists cause he hated religion and it's threat to his regime 2) Our first objective was Osama, then it went to 'WMD,' to we need to avenge the kurds and people who saddam hurt, then to making Iraq a democracy, then to figting extremists, then (most recently) to protecting the OIL FIELDS!!! 3) A demoracy smack dab in the ME would lead to a complete take over by Iran retard. A crippled country, Iraq has 0% of becomming a democracy. The parties would assasinate each other. And a main principle of democracy is a seperation of church and state. HOW DO YOU THINK THAT IS POSSIBLE?!?!?! You are even dumber if you think that it is possible. Over there, everything is based on religion, so democracy will not work. 4) The USMC does blindly follow authority. You question an order, you get punished. If you wanna shave your head, be brain-dead and follow orders from someone above you your whole life, go right ahead, then maybe you will understand. Bottom line is that we are failing and it is an uphill battle that will never stop. We have dug this whole soooooo deep, not democrats or republicans know how to end it. We can't keep fighting because the hate for us will go so deep. But our president doesn't care, he wants to 'stay the course.' The F'ing retard needs to admit when he is wrong, but he wont, only all his advisors tell him he is wron, but he silences them. USMC, you need question authority a little more dude, don't be brainwashed by a neo-conservative who wants to strap you with a M-16 and go fight a non-winnable war. ~Mike
  19. Yes I was there in May 2003, and our objective was nothing CLOSE to Saddam smarty. Our main objective was to get Osama, which I was ok with, and then all of a sudden, we turn to Saddam and the ASSUMPTION that he has 'weapons' of mass destruction and that he was funding extremists. That is completely retarded. Saddam hated extremists because it posed a threat to his regime and would have them executed. Our goal was not Saddam, just another redirecting of our goals by your great F'ing government. We went from Osoma, to Saddam, back to extremists, then to a democratic government, to protecting oil from the extremists. In the begining, did we even consder turning Iraq into a democratic government...NOOOO!!!?!?!?! Even Rummy said his way was failing, but if you want to be a retard and follow the views of the USMC without quesitoning the authority, go ahead. I have no solution goes we are so F U C K E D, we do not know where to start. ~Mike P.S. Do YOU remember this moment in history? Don't even begin to say the war was a success, when even now the Presdent is aditting that it isn't going as he planned. That is a disgrace to our country.
  20. Wow, thanks for that intellectaul statement. Why is it useless? ~Mike
  21. Ya, and USMC still thinks we are winning... DR admitted a couple of days ago that his way wasn't working, and now all of Washington is admitting that we are failing, funny thing how all the conservatives said we are winning, BUT WE AREN'T!!! ~Mike
  22. Well, when we are fighting this war 10 years from now, and it is still bloody and going no where, you can say I was right. ~Mike
  23. Dude, are you kidding?!?! The vietcong was a specific group that was ONLY in vietnam. We are fighting an islamic EXTREMIST group, not a mitlitary militia. One person dies, another 5 people begin to hate us and want to kill all of us. We cannot win this, and more and more republicans are understanding why, except Bush. It is a falure, and there is no possible way to 'win.' It is a losing cause, and I don't even have a solution. We leave now, we give the extremists a country to take over, and if we keep fighting, we will gain more enemies, more casualties, and the hatred will be so great, the whole islamic religion will rage a holy war on us. Bush shot himself in the foot, and he has a hell of a ways to go before this is over. ~Mike
  24. Yea, and W thinks he can solve them all... ~Mike
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