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Everything posted by ///RonalT5

  1. O ya, that is right, I don't have time to go and look up faqs online, but after college apps are through, I would love to get some nice data to show that liberals arent the only ones that are stupid. Plus, if you think that Bush will be remembered for defending this country, you have something wrong in your head. ~Mike just look at this, here are some facts: http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/04/08/con04323.html Or this... http://www.crisispapers.org/essays/scandals.htm ~Mike
  2. Funny you should mention this Grant. I just watched a video on it and although it is an old topic, I find it very interesting because of the previous debate that we had. I think it is really interesting how this is bring down SO many republicans. Should that be a factor? Alos, I think it is pretty sleezy to laundry money from casino by tricking them. O, and Tom Delay, the douche, went to sweatshops in the Pacific and approved of it as free-trade, surely Republicans are outrage. What are republican out-takes on this? SHould he be booted from the party? Do you guyz like him? Just curious, cause I was fascinated by this PBS series. Starfish, any thoughts, hahaha. I love debating with him, haha. ~Mike
  3. haha... I don't think you got a 32 on your ACT, and if you don't know what % that is, you can look it up. Yes, I am in HS, and I am a senior off to Stanford, UCLA, PENN, or UC Berkeley. I bet you don't like Berkekley, haha. ~Mike P.S. ^^^ thanks for the comment Grant, and HOLY SH*T, I was at the Clipper scrimmage at CC (we had VIP stuff cause we know the assistant coach) and the most beautiful Clipper cheerleader was sitting in front of me, omg, she was just HOTTTTT!!!! Sorry Grant, haha. I will find a pic. ^^^And she gave me a hug, HELL YA!!!
  4. It's ight dude, I just think the government is doing a mediocre job handling this matter. I really don't go by statistics cause all you have to do is open your eyes and see what is happening and how it is not working. Maybe we just need to fush all dem. and rep. out of congress and the house and elect new people. I think that would be interesting. And this is the end to this thread, haha. ~Mike
  5. I totally see your point dude and I agree that this threat is real and that we need to take charge, I just think that we won't win by defeating them on their own ground because they will forever hate us and get people to fight us. I have an interesting solution though: Pull that oddly placed military base out of the area around Mecca. That is why Osama got pissed at us, and maybe that would be a temporary solution. It is hard to say though dude, it just feels like we are fighting an uphill battle. ~Mike P.S. So much for not talking in this thread anymore, haha.
  6. B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Plan B @ Oct 13 2006, 03:58 AM) ←</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--> He's trying to get you flustered, stand your ground cutie. What does it matter what car he drives
  7. B)--> QUOTE(Plan B @ Oct 13 2006, 03:52 AM) ←ohhh.....don't stop, it's actually amusing Yea, but I am getting flustered cause this guy is ridiculous, haha. Does he even have a Volvo? ~Mike
  8. B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Plan B @ Oct 13 2006, 03:45 AM) ←</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--> Ehhhh..........NOT!
  9. MMMKAAAYYY, I am bored, so I will hit up this crap. I don't want any other conservatives to feel bad, but this guy has got to be crazy. QUOTE: Liberalism is a self imposed detriment. :QUOTE ARE YOU joking? Ok, it is not, only a closed minded stupid sh*t as yourself would not be opened to other forms of politics. That is what you are. Your a closed minded, conservative douche who only wants to impose his own beliefs on everyone else. If you read my post before, you will see that I admit to the Democrats not being stable on issues, but calm yourself down. QUOTE:Bush will be known for his actions in protecting the US and the world from dangers of Islamic-fascism and the real threats they represent to freedom. :QUOTE You have got to be kidding me. Sure, he will be known for attacking terrorism, but guess what... YOU CAN'T BEAT TERRORISTS !!! THEY WILL BE THERE NO MATTER WHAT...THE MORE WE FIGHT, THE MORE THEY ARE MOTIVATED TO SLAUGHTERING INNOCENT PEOPLE!!! Ok, about the budget, just look at where we are no homie, I don't care if we started at a surplus of 0, IT IS OVER 3 BILLION DOLLARS UNDER where it should be. And your percents... ARE YOU FU(KING KIDDING ME??!!?!?!?!?!?! My dad is a CPA and he deals with this all the time. I asked him about this... You are totally wrong, the top 1% of the people in the U.S. should be carrying the load. O, and you are right about one thing, the lower 50%. YOU REALLY THINK THAT PEOPLE MAKING $5 DOLLARS AN HOUR SHOULD CARRY THE WEIGHT OF THE FU(KING COUNTRY?!?!?!?!?! That, is disguisting. And Bush doesn't give tax breaks to anyone but his cronnies. The top 1% should carry 50% of the load. And, you need to open your eyes, take your head out of your ignorant @$, and start to except other forms of politics. I accept republican politics and support some of their platforms, but when you come at me trying to picture me as a bad person with all of your fake @$$ numbers, it is a little frustrating. You should have read my previous post... ~Mike P.S. No offense to gdogg16 or RaZoR. You guyz are cool. EDIT: ^^^^And to add to your recent post, I accept other people's beliefs and I don't have my head in the sand, I am a young person who is fed up with people as ignorant as you. Hell, you could be a nice person in person, but you come accross very harsh, haha. Please someone close this thread...
  10. ^^^^^^^^^ Dude, chill out...You have so many faults in your conclusions, I don't have time to listen to them all... ~Mike
  11. The point is that the Mission isn't accomplished and will never be. If you think that we will kill all of the terrorists, you are sadly mistaken. One dies, and two angry islamic extremist takes his place, it is a battle that we cannot win. Saddam was bad, Democrats, unfortunately, only have a few people who take a stand, and for that, I am dissapointed. I think I will chill out on the insults, but everyone has to agree that this has been a disappointment, and we need to pull it together, whether it be with a Rep. president or democratic president. I learned some stuff from gdogg and others, nice discussion. ~Mike
  12. And that is cause you live in fu(king Maryland... California is different. And if it isn't about oil, why didn't we attack Saudia Arabia... Just look at the picture. ~Mike
  13. OK, so you got me, and is this the reason why we took Saddam out of power? Why didn't we do it during 2001, after the attcks, or was it just a split-second-decision cause we were right there and Bush Jr. wanted to finsh what Bush Sr. started. There were no terrorists in Iraq, they were from Saudi Arabia, and we didn't attck there, why not? BECAUSE OF OIL, selfish pig. O, and does this look familiar? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BULLSH*T ~Mike
  14. Yes, he killed a lot of Kurds over how many years he was in power... maybe 30? That is discusting, but most of those Kurds were extremist terrorists who tried to take over his government. Saddam was bad, but we should have worked with him, I know it sounds stupid, but it could have been worth a try. He hated terrorists and extremists just like we did, we should have used that to our side, or at least tried. ~Mike
  15. Ok, this is total sh*t. George Bush is considered a 'compasionate and liberal conservative.' AND BUSH WILL NOT BE KNOWN FOR HIS HEROICS. HE WILL BE KNOWN FOR GOING INTO A COUNTRY, FU(KING IT UP, and we will still be there for the next decade cause of the fu(king mess. The democrat platform is not old and worn out, maybe you should look at the fu(king polls once in a while. And about that BS hyperlink, do you know how much deficit there was during Clinton? O wait, there wasn't!!! There was like a 3 trillion dollar surplus. Where did that some 6 trillion dollars go and where did it come from. Republicans aren't for taxing, well, just the fu(king rich people, THEN WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM?!?!?!?!?!?!? ~Mike
  16. Ya, I know about that, and do you know how many people he killed? Maybe 5,000... And we should ignore Darfur which is like up to 200,000 dead...ok... ~Mike
  17. B)--> QUOTE(Plan B @ Oct 12 2006, 02:59 AM) ←He lives in IL Thanks homie, figures...I guess. ~Mike
  18. You need to take your head out of your @$$ and realize that liberals push society ahead. And my mom hasn't been abusing me, she has more brains in her pinky than you do in yo fat head. ~Mike P.S. And where the FU(K do you live, the middle of Texas on a small secluded ranch wife a wife named Bettsy and a son named Billy Bob?
  19. Jena, Che' Admin, Kev.,, close this thread please, haha. ~Mike
  20. OK, and you know who told this information and started that BS that Mark Foley didn't do this stuff...UMMMMMMM... Washington trying to make an excuse... and MARK FOLEY ADMITTED IT AND WHY WOULD HE HAVE STEPED DOWN IF THEY WERE FALSE... UMM, OK. And futue of this country is fu(ked, we have a 5 trillion dollar deficit, which was a 3 trillion or some surplus in 2000. And when I look at the screen on CNN and see baghdad IN RUINS, it kind of reminds me of, o say, south-central LA, possibly the slums of Detroit. We should be focusing on domestic things, not fu(king up other countries and making EVERY GOD-Darn middle eastern dogma hate us!!! AND, gdogg, who was he commiting genocide against, all of the Taliban, Al Queda, and islamic extremists that were trying to take over his country and steal his power? And I do remember him saying that he had nuclear weapons, but if he said they didn't, don't you think Iran would try to take over Iraq. Yes, Saddam was bad, but Darn, the country is more fu(ked up than he could have ever made it... ~Mike P.S. and beside the point, the Republicans would do the exact same thing exposing someone like that, IT IS POLITICS!!! And he did do send stuff to other pages, and people are ignorant and just STUPID to think otherwise. Edit: Yes, Saddam needed to be removed, but we did a bad job of it. O, and I forgot, a fun little activity to see where you stand on your politics, although I think most of us know, hahahahahaha... http://www.politicalcompass.org/questionnaire
  21. B)--> QUOTE(Plan B @ Oct 11 2006, 05:17 PM) ←will you marry me haha. If I was like that, fo show, haha. I have my eyes set on Jessica Alba, sorry Grant. Mike
  22. Cause the war in Iraq is not Genocide, it is about terrorists, which is sort of vague cause there will always be terrorists and we will never get them all!!! I don't know what it will take to get that through evryones heads. Plus, this would all be solved if we would take out the military base that is like 50 miles from Mecca... Mike P.S. Mark Foley is a Lamo!!!
  23. I find a lot of fault in this... Second Article, the guy says... "That we will go after the terrorists and the countries that harbor them." And that is what he likes about Bush... AND ALMOST ALL OF THE TERRORISTS CAME FROM SAUDIA ARABIA... WTF?!?! O ya, cause of oil, my bad. I don't see anything relavent to Hilary in the second one...OR THE THIRD ONE... I still have no idea why, someone please enlighten me. ~Mike
  24. PREACH THAT SH*T PRAS!!! ~Mike I have my answer, thanks: CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO LOOSE TO A VAGINA!!!! ~Mike
  25. ^^^No biggie, just pickey. Congrats on the car dude!!! ~Mike
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