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Everything posted by Emiel

  1. Marta's are ok for XC but never rely on them if your heading for 'real' mountain terrain. I hated them on my Idworx. Ditched them after I almost killed myself going downhill with a stuck caliper in Switzerland and got Hope V2's.
  2. 16 hours from Düsseldorf (that's a 2 hours drive from my place, centre of the Netherlands), but we managed to do it in 24 hours. If you ever get the chance (honeymoon Travis? ), vist the Seychelles, worth every dollar.
  3. Seychelles, few weeks ago. phonepic;
  4. Thanks Travis. It's amazing how much a different wheelsize and geometry changes to whole feel of a bike, can't wait to go the the Ardennes in Belgium or the Nürburgring... Could someone please +1 instead of -1 Travis' post...ugh..tough mondays..
  5. Mud, where? Bought a Santa Cruz Bantam. Good fun, lots of airtime. If i'm longer then 2 weeks offline, I probably ended up in a tree or something.
  6. It was crazy Travis, so slippery. We had to walk most of Kesselchen towards the Karusell, absolutly no traction (with almost no air in the tires, 0.5 Bar in 2.4 wide tires). A fatbike would be nice for these conditions, still hope that the whole fatbike thing is over within 2 years, it just look ridiculous. The video; There was a guy driving a quad on track near Brünnchen. It's privat property so I guess it would'nt be legal to be on the track with bikes, quads nor snowmobiles. Thats why we didn't bike on the long straight and after the touristfahrt entry, there are camera's monitoring that part of the circuit.
  7. Craziest/silliest thing i've ever done on a bike. In freezing conditions with a minmium of 10 cm snow (3 inch?) a lap on the Nordschleife. There's a beautifull technical trail next to the track but it was too dangerous, really slippery, no visible surface. The track was slippery too, ice underneath the snow. Took us 3 hours, the climbs (like 40%) where tough. The hardtail is mine, and i'm considering buying the green Santa Cruz (guess i'll have to after all the snow..)
  8. Looks good! :tup: I like the S80 seats.
  9. One of the best trails in the Netherlands. Friend in front has 25 years of mtb experience, hard to keep up with.
  10. Unable to hotlink it...might be a little nsfw. http://9gag.com/gag/aKgA9MZ
  11. Martyn Ashton a year after his accident.. http://www.animal.co.uk/2014/10/martyn-ashton-year-one/?utm_content=buffer6b2d6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  12. Excellent write-up of a great day with nice people Johann. Shame the track closed so early, but understandable. It would be a 6'10 lap with Travis' GoPro edit skills.
  13. Emiel

    Eriks 850

    ET46 it is. Calipers look good Erik. Good to know there are other caliper options than the 993TT and 996 calipers.
  14. If you ever get the chance, visit Normandy, its very impressive.
  15. Please share your latest (rusty) project Johann.
  16. Yup. Guess it couldnt handle the extreme g-forces of the 2.4T...
  17. Pffff....found it! Nice place to keep a hrm, well done Emiel..:S Thanks for the offer Mike!
  18. I'll let you know. Thanks.
  19. Yeah, going to search the through car and house tomorrow (again), it has to be somewhere within 25 meters... :D
  20. Guys...I need your help. Lost my Ant+ heartbeatsensor, orginal Garmin. I only need the sensor part and not the sensor with strap ($80!). Looks like Garmin only sells the sensor in a package with strap, can't find seperate sensors.
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