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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. It's more responsive, it's stiffer. Stiffer's better. (that's what she said)
  2. Dude, so many fat jokes, so little time. You should talk to a bike rep, I don't see why you couldn't ride a good carbon frame. Ha! I stick to Armstrong Mill, Shelby Lane, Tates Creek to the ferry, etc.. It's beautiful here, especially this time of year. Super chill drivers here for the most part. 6 years of riding here, never had a close call that really scared me. A few yellers, some "conversations" at red lights but nothing else. On topic: looking at Reynolds as my next wheels. Carbon clinchers.
  3. On topic: This came in at the shop that sponsors our team yesterday. Heading over to drool over it in an hour. Alden: she is currently in jail for doing the same thing again. I lack the patience to read through similar articles from local news stations but apparently she could spend more time in jail if she continues to obstruct traffic after 3 convictions for reckless driving.
  4. It's not entirely her fault. During her trial, it came up that the Transportation Cabinet for the state had very confusing and misleading material. Add to that a recent campaign that had signs stating: "every lane is a bike lane" and you have people like her who will take it all literally instead of using common sense and courtesy.
  5. That's the whole debate. Rights vs. common sense. I think if you're backing traffic up for a few miles twice a day, it should dawn on you that this road is just too busy for a cyclist to take up an entire lane. She could have called the county road maintenance department and had the shoulder swept (suggested by a local official), she could numerous side route that are both scenic and safe, she could scoot to the right and let traffic get by her instead of dictating a 10-12 mph speed limit for 1/2 the road, etc... The list goes on. Don't get me wrong, I still think the state went too far in prosecuting her. To add insult to injury, the prosecutor is on FB posting comments about how this was a super easy case to prosecute, etc.... But she could do a small gesture to work with cars and LEO's too. It would go a long way towards smoothing things over.
  6. Didn't realize you could go aftermarket. Mine was OEM, so my comment doesn't apply.
  7. Lube the o-rings, they'll slide better. I don't remember having issues with mine when I went that route.
  8. She commutes using one of the busiest roads and hogs the center portion of a lane. Can be either the right or left lane apparently. Honk and she'll flip you off, regardless of whether the honking is to warn her or tell her to get off the road. Shoulders are too rough and dirty for a bike, she'd flat in minutes. There are alternative routes that she refuses to use. She dug her heels and fought the system and it cam down on her hard. Now the entire local community of cyclists is paying the price. Bingo. That's the stance of all local cyclists who ride competitively and need the road year round. There's no need to be a douche and right 2 abreast, there's no need to flip off cars or yell at them if they ignore the 3 ft rule. Just ride and let them drive, they'll have forgotten about you by their next turn. People are talking about doing a critical mass ride here, I guarantee it: it would lead to casualties. KY is still very backwards and redneck in many areas.
  9. Local drama. Lady went off on the FB page of the local cycling club, I guess there are some very strong opinions within that club about the way she is handling things. Anyway, after 3 careless driving tickets, she is in the slammer for continuing to ride her bike on a very busy 4 lane road. It's arguably the busiest road feeding Lexington, it has 3 hospitals, 1 mall and the university of Kentucky on it. http://www.wkyt.com/home/headlines/Jessamine-County-cyclist-arrested-275411291.html Sad thing is: there are 3-4 other ways to get to her destination, all beautiful roads with little to no traffic.
  10. Most states require annual inspections, you should be able to see little stickers on them showing the last inspection date. Or you can just use a station with 3 hoses.
  11. 'murica You've been gone too long already ? If you can think it, you can sue it.
  12. So glad you did KW's and not D2's, you would not be saying that about D2's.
  13. You have to be pretty dim witted not to realize that almost all lumber yards sell wood that's always a hair below the stated dimensions. And Jon: "should have" and not "should of". [/JRL]
  14. The cyclist even anticipates issues before he comes up on them. Bummer, he seems OK though.
  15. Ours was a little wild during her first two years and then mellowed out. Up until 11 yrs, was mellow, patient with the kids and tons of fun. Definitely high on our priority list.
  16. Kick ass build! I love the fact that it's not too in your face but could blow the doors off almost any street car.
  17. Breed characteristics. Not that all Great Danes are necessarily great pets and good with kids, but for the most part you have a better handle on how the dog will behave. Having said that, looking at some local mutts for the reasons your mentioned and since we are more concerned about a gentle dog than a pretty one. We'll see, haven't said anything to the kids yet and won't until we have a dog lined up.
  18. I don't think he pops a wheelie at the end, may be it's just his head getting closer to the faring and moving around a lot. Something tells me he needed fresh pants after that 30 secs of fun. On topic: an oldie but a goodie.
  19. Wow, they call age 5 old age ?! Our female was 11 and the family tree limbs overlapped a few times. Looking at a couple of rescue places locally for Great Danes. Ironically, cat won't make it to 2015, she was diagnosed with advanced chronic kidney disease. I have to pump an IV into her back every day to keep her going.
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