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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. Why would you bring a gun to a wedding ? Why would you have your gun in your waist like that ? Why would you not make sure your kid doesn't get his little hands on it ? I understand Syria, but come on.... Crappy way to go. On topic, staying one the Mike related GIF's. How Mike wishes he fished:
  2. Here's another one for you Mike:
  3. That is cool! What's the fish, swordfish ? Mahi mahi ?
  4. Trimming is what "the young folks do". 80's porn has nothing on their crab nests.
  5. Shame Cameron, I was looking for one a few months ago. Ended up buying one through the shop.
  6. Hahahahahaha, I'm in tears. That's perfect!
  7. LOL, beat me to it. She has poor form but decent talent.
  8. I use the "fancy YMCA" in town, not the run down one close to the shop I work from. I was hoping for a little more modesty from them. But noooooooo, old farts love to air their junk and talk to other old farts while their joke of a shlong catches a breeze.
  9. Used the locker room to put on my shorts at the Y this morning. Yeah, this was definitely happening:
  10. They didn't go very far if they're now in the NL.
  11. Not much at all. The fact that you're in Miami would save you some $$ as well since inland shipping on a non driving car can get pricey.
  12. Apparently all CG'ed but still very cool if you don't dwell on the details.
  13. Cleats need to be centered with the ball of your foot, as rule of thumb.
  14. Well, that would do it. Try to force yourself back into your spot. Reverse Sybian saddle for you ?
  15. I never really looked at it that way Mike. I wanted tats because of what was associated with those specific images. It never really was a one finger wave to anyone or any specific cultural thing. If anything, those kids try so, so hard to be cool and be unique but they end up being just another teenage star trying to act like a badass. and failing hard.
  16. It's Miley, does anyone even care ?
  17. Hi team posted a picture of his bike on IG the next day with a massive bouquet of flowers, saying they (Kittel and his bike) had kissed and made up.
  18. And their news are always spot on. I mean, they just get it, you don't need any other news source if you can bear to watch Fox News.
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