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matt b

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Everything posted by matt b

  1. Glad I'm not the only who's mind was in the gutter after reading that.
  2. Yeah, I got a laugh out of it, then I reported you to Ebay.
  3. Ebay mobile sucks monkey balls, I'm pulling the auction tonight and re-listing it. What a waste of time, wrong state, wrong BIN, wrong reserve ($5 ?! WTF) Absolute waste of time.
  4. We're not going there..... And: Reid!
  5. Pics are here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281184666678?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Bid high and bid often. Thinking about the next frame already, this one was too comfortable and not twitchy enough for the racing I do.
  6. Were they OK, that's a big drop off the ramp. And I guess this fits well:
  7. Then pack your ass and ship out to the PNW. And yes, there's a dildo joke in there somewhere.
  8. This specific car has been my background on my desktop for over 6 months.
  9. Raptors are nice, I have to export those often. Lots of good ones for cheap in Texas right now, lots of them!
  10. Thanks for the info Mike. I'm on the fence, I should buy Giro stuff through the shop and the team discount but I'm not a fan of their stuff. Travis: come race December 8th, fun course and you can race for free if you come down.
  11. Kevin should have a mute option. If enough of us are annoyed by his ignorance, we should be able to mute him for 24 hours. Kinda like a community ban. The group decides to vote someone off the speaking island for a period of time.
  12. Sigh.... I'm feeling generous Dave, I'll give you $60 for your car, as-is, where-is.
  13. That's what my wife told me: for every single item I loved on that car, 2-3 pissed me off. I'm not really falling in love with my current wagon, it's just too.... nice ? As in polite, well mannered. I want a car that kicks me in the back when I push it.
  14. 48, I forgot you had the feet of a circus clown.
  15. Let me know your thoughts please. Team deal is Giro for me this year but I've always loved my Sidi stuff and wouldn't mind buying outside of the team purchase for the right shoes. Interested in knowing if you get tightness, numbness or other issues on longer rides.
  16. Mostly liability. A lot of the people I interact with are like kids: they want it yesterday and they better have it or they'll throw a fit. No point in offering something I can't sell them because it lacks a title, has a lien, etc... Hey now....... I'm going to text you at 2 am and ask for a explanation, just b/c I can. On-off-topic: I miss that car......
  17. You'd be surprised.... So many people float titles when they start collecting cars. Then, they get sick or die and we're left scrambling for titles. I refuse to use those online title services or "buy a title" places so I've walked away from a number of "great" deals. But when I broker a sale or a purchase, one of my first questions is regarding the title. The 3 Maseratis I'm selling today have titles, somewhere in a drawer, in a 9K sq ft warehouse full of file cabinets... I'm looking for a needle in a hay stack. It sucks.
  18. Interesting. Most states (including KY) use the and/or rule rather than what GA uses.
  19. And even if she couldn't, it doesn't sound like she gives a sh*t about it.
  20. This just proves my theory that 90% of drivers are just plain stupid when they get behind the wheel.
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